What salt do you use?

AugustaSalty;373316 wrote: I use oceanic. I've always had great results. I used to use coralife, which was actually tested to be the best salt by Aquarium Water Testing. I've got the results around here somewhere, if i find them i'll post them. However, coralife, the company, has been bought out like 30 times now i believe? maybe 40? ok, not that many but it seems like it. I just don't trust their quality assurance anymore. However, ocianic was second on that list, i've always had great results, high in good stuff, low in bad. It usually costs more per bucket, but the bucket makes 200 gallons instead of 150-160. If you work it out per gallon, it is usally cheaper than the "cheaper" salt buckets. Check it out the next time you're at your LFS. I love the ocianic.

coralife and oceanic are owned by the same company, fyi.

i use seachem reef. the trick with it, and any other salt, is to roll the bucket around a few times, every time, before you open it up to use it. these salts are mixed in a giant concrete mixer with their additives, and stuff settles in the buckets over time.
instant ocean for me . always used it love it wont change. the best salt for your money to me. always had very good luck with it.:yes::D
salt reefer;413784 wrote: instant ocean for me . always used it love it wont change. the best salt for your money to me. always had very good luck with it.:yes::D
Check out Jenn's buy at Imagine right now
ryanh487;413752 wrote: coralife and oceanic are owned by the same company, fyi.

So is Kent, FYI :)

All owned by Central Garden & Pet nowadays.

JennM;413861 wrote: So is Kent, FYI :)

All owned by Central Garden & Pet nowadays.


yes it is. didn't even notice kent on the list until after that. not really a fan of what CGP has done quality wise with their acquisitions...
Switched from Oceanic to RC. The extremely high calcium in Oceanic was just annoying to me though I didn't see any adverse issues from it.
AndrewG;434548 wrote: switched from IO to Seachem Reef. I've been quite satisfied thus far.
Me too.
This is the thread that never dies. Good to see
Seachem because it high in calcium and its 45 bucks for 40 pound bucket at keen reef. I did a calcium test on just the mixed water which was 450ish.
Instant Ocean - I consider that if it's good enough for Georgia Aquarium to use then its good enough for me
Oceanic was awful... IO was OK, but found it low on alk (unhappy GSP). Wanted to stay simple so switched to RC... quite happy with it... although some say Salinity is the best ever...
myVWrock;373270 wrote: Has anyone tried the new salt out by Brightwell called Neomarine, I have heard some really good reviews on it. It came out earlier this month. Although I have seen the prices and it is up their with tropic marin ...actually it is a few dollors more I belive. Anyway just wondering if anyone has treid it.
o and I didn't read the tread before posting so i hope no one has already said this.

Set up my 210 with NeoMarine at the first of this year and I like it a lot.
I've been using H2Ocean for about a year and a half now. Very happy with it. I have to make a decision shortly though whether or not to try Salinity??
If I'm already using Salinity, would trying some of these others be a step backwards? A lateral move?

Face it, if stuff grows, doesn't die and the chemistry is close, how good does good have to be? We all want the best for our tanks, but at the price of some of these mixes..... I think I'm ok with merely "good"
I have the same question dak, I currently use Salinity - a bucket lasts me 2 months or so but I probably need to step up my water changes. Im doing a 25% every other week but am still getting trates and HA, im going to try 25% weekly to get things back in check.

is there anything out there better than Salinity? would I take a step down trying something else, Salinity is great but expensive
All the other salts that have gotten high marks costs about the same or more than Salinity, so cost wise, it would be a lateral move as far as expense goes, plus with Salinity, you use slightly less than you normally would.
I don't like it that the smallest container of Salinity you can purchase is the the huge pail, as that is a year's supply for my 30g tank, so smaller available quantities would steer me in the direction of another brand, but as long as I can find another member to split a pail with me, I guess I'll stick with Salinity....
It would be interesting to start this tread over with Salinity being an option to see what kind of market share Seachem gained with the release of that salt.