165 Restore

Ryuchi;449977 wrote: looks solid, that ge 1 is the best silicone, really strong and safe

I hope so....so doesnt my wife. She said i put it on too thick, but i'd rather have it too thick than too thin
Hey just noticed your location, columbus ga? i work and just about live in columbus lol nice to find another local guy on here.
Cool looks like he is doing a great job on that tank repair, is that his only tank or does he have another already set up?
downtime89;450208 wrote: Cool looks like he is doing a great job on that tank repair, is that his only tank or does he have another already set up?

Ive got a 55 setup.
I thought you were going with black silicone.. (guess you couldnt find it?)

That is the only reason that I would have recommended separating the panels completely, because if you didn't, you'd get a section of clear silicone (between the glass) up against a section of black (newly applied) like I did on my 90 see picture.
Rbredding;450358 wrote: I thought you were going with black silicone.. (guess you couldnt find it?)

That is the only reason that I would have recommended separating the panels completely, because if you didn't, you'd get a section of clear silicone (between the glass) up against a section of black (newly applied) like I did on my 90 see picture.
http://www.atlantareefclub.org/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=18591&d=1249488566" alt="" />[/QUOTE]
Ohh ok, I see what your sayin now. I see where u had the old silicone still in between the glass. I was goin to have to get the black shipped to me and it was gonna cost as much as i paid for the tank, lol. I settled with the clear. Thanks anyway:thumbs:
I have a hard time even finding the GE I! It seems like everything has the Biocide...
Where did you pick yours up?
Kudos on the restore! cant wait to see it filled up.

MAJOR RECOMENDATION --- Test fill her in the garage or back patio. Expect the worst and pray for the best! 99% chanec yoru all good, but if anything is going to happen due to any structural problems, it likely will happen within 72 hours filled to the top. Not to over worry you but dont be silly and test it with fliplfops on and your baby on the ground next to you. I've fortunately never been around a glass tank failing, but have seen some stitches that proves it happens. LOOKING GOOD!
EpauLuke;451797 wrote: I have a hard time even finding the GE I! It seems like everything has the Biocide...
Where did you pick yours up?
Kudos on the restore! cant wait to see it filled up.

MAJOR RECOMENDATION --- Test fill her in the garage or back patio. Expect the worst and pray for the best! 99% chanec yoru all good, but if anything is going to happen due to any structural problems, it likely will happen within 72 hours filled to the top. Not to over worry you but dont be silly and test it with fliplfops on and your baby on the ground next to you. I've fortunately never been around a glass tank failing, but have seen some stitches that proves it happens. LOOKING GOOD!

I picked up the silicone at walmart. I also saw it at lowes/home depot. When i bought the tank, i had the guy fill it up overnight to see if it leaked with the old silcone and it didnt. I didnt break the seal between the glass, i just replaced the inside seal. I think ill be good. It will get filled up out side when i find a level spot to do so. I sealed it on the 18th and here it is friday. That should be ample time to cure right. Ive still got to refinish the stand.
I just put some water in (maybe 2 inches worth) to see if the bottom seal is good. So far no leaks. Ive got to wait to get my neighbor to help me put it up on the stand on level ground to fill it full.
Set the stand on level ground and put the tank up on it. Filled it up and it looks good with no leaks so far. Will take some pics tomorrow.
Heres a couple shots i just took of it on the stand while im leak testing
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bratliff;453986 wrote: How's the consistency of the silicone? It's looking a little white in the pictures... and I stopped at HD again and read the back of every tube of GE I they had. All said "not for use below the water line or aquariums." FWIW.

Its the same color as it was when it was applied it. I let about 4 inches of water stay at the bottom before filling it up all the way for like 3 days. It stayed hard as it was when appllied.
bratliff;454007 wrote: Ahsum! I truly hope it works. I just wonder if salt water would have a different affect (I assume you are doing your leak test with fresh water)?

Lol yeah i didnt have the salt to throw away for the leak test. I wouldnt think it would have much to do with it though. Never heard of a salt only/ fresh only tank. I think you might have not let yours cure all the way. I let mine sit for 120 hours before even puttin 4 inches in the bottom and then waited another 72 hours before filling full.
theres just too many results when u google safe aquarium silicone that comes back with ge 1. The only reason it says not aquarium safe is to cover their a$$ so they dont have to answer to the consumer that didnt do it right.
found this:

According to a well respected member at another forum, AGA aquarium sealant is</em> GE Silicon I, re branded by GE in a joint venture with AGA. I can't vouch for this 100%, as I haven't seen the manufacturing process with my own eyes, but many (including myself) trust this to be the case.

FWIW, GE I is what I use, and have heard many other success stories about it.
I saw the reflection of your headlights/bumper in the glass...

thought it was some sort of spall/scratch then I could make out "georgia power" clearly and eventually saw the truck...

the restore looks great so far...
Rbredding;454028 wrote: I saw the reflection of your headlights/bumper in the glass...

thought it was some sort of spall/scratch then I could make out "georgia power" clearly and eventually saw the truck...

the restore looks great so far...

Thanks, i saw that as well in the picture and did a double take.

bratliff;454038 wrote: I sure do hope so! :thumbs:

Understand, I'm not trying to argue with you or anything. I just have a huge build project underway that's gonna need at least 7 more tubes of aquarium silicone and I'd dearly love to have confirmation that the warning on the label can be ignored so I can buy locally rather than having to mail order. So far, your's is the only build underway that is using the GE I silicone, so, I'm very interested in your results. :D

Couldnt agree with you more. That kind of project i would also want to know 100 percent. Ill keep you updated so you can make your decision.:up:
There are a couple of kinds of GE Silicone I, Windows/Door/Attic/Basement are safe. GE Silicone I, Kitchens and Baths is not safe, it contains mold inhibitors and will kill every coral in the tank (I know from experience :doh:).