2019 ARC Coral & Aquatics Expo

Thought I would post a few pics of pieces I have picked up lately from a few vendors that are coming to the Expo.
First are pieces I picked up, Tyree Blue Matrix, Battle Corals Hyperberry, Gonzo’s Frogger.

Then comes Cherry Corals Disney Jr.. All pieces are in grow out, but I am sure more will be available from Gonzo and Cherry next month plus another bunch of very sweet frags. 70DDF3E6-B154-434C-9966-EADE844DA4D8.jpegF583F1B3-446C-4907-B725-217FDB0930B9.jpeg2989AFC0-1EFC-4E69-B162-943D3F495889.jpeg7199E0E1-14A7-4EBF-8339-8B72D3E93889.jpeg
i actually looked over the flyer 999 times and scrolled straight to the bottom so i didnt see the first comment with the pricing. ill just buy tickets. i dont have the time to be an active member. thanks for ur reply
The very 1st post of this thread has the pricing. There aren't advance tickets to purchase. It's $15 at the door for non members.
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@amfibian and anyone else interested. We have decided to open up pre-purchase of admittance in advance. The OP of this thread is updated and there is a link in the menu bar, upper left.
Please remember to bring a printed copy of your PayPal receipt with you the day of the event for verification at the door.
@amfibian and anyone else interested. We have decided to open up pre-purchase of admittance in advance. The OP of this thread is updated and there is a link in the menu bar, upper left.
Please remember to bring a printed copy of your PayPal receipt with you the day of the event for verification at the door.

So, I clicked the link and paid ARC for two guests $30 and then it said redirecting and error directed out :(. So, no way to print during transaction . I will login in to my PayPal and get a copy. Just letting you know in case you need to adjust something on y’alls end. Thanks! Looking forward to the show!
So, I clicked the link and paid ARC for two guests $30 and then it said redirecting and error directed out :(. So, no way to print during transaction . I will login in to my PayPal and get a copy. Just letting you know in case you need to adjust something on y’alls end. Thanks! Looking forward to the show!

Did you get an email receipt?
No receipt from ARC but did login and get copy of PayPal transaction.
Thanks. The site, ARC, doesn't send a receipt or email. You should get a transaction email from PayPal though.
I edited the verbiage on the purchase page to reflect that.

Do supporting members need to bring anything to confirm membership?
Supporting member check in will be the same as Club Meets. We'll have the info available to us with your username.
Thanks. The site, ARC, doesn't send a receipt or email. You should get a transaction email from PayPal though.
I edited the verbiage on the purchase page to reflect that.

Supporting member check in will be the same as Club Meets. We'll have the info available to us with your username.

Do we purchase raffle at the Show or can we also purchase online? Thanks
Here's a list of what I'll be bringing...prices will range from $20 - $125

Cornbred Maleficent
Cornbred Mad Raver
Cornbred Tropical Paradise
Cornbred Pretty in Pink
Cornbred Flaming Unicorn
Cornbred Flaming Pink Lemonade
CornBred Valhalla
Cornbred Rainbow Passion/Walt Disney
Cornbred Rainbow Twilight
Cornbred Jucifruit
Cornbred Gold Digger
Blue Velvet Staghorn
RR Lemon Drop
RR Orange Passion
UC Crown of Thorns
ASD Rainbow Circus
ASD Rainbow Milli
PC Rainbow

JF Frankenberry Monti
ASD Rainbow Phoenix Monti
Cornbred Forest Fire Encrusting Monti
Cornbred Blazing Rockies Monti
RR Tropic Thunder Monti
JF Fruity Pebbles Monti
JF Beach Bum Monti
Bubblegum Digi
Jason Fox Spitfire Leptastrea
Jason Fox Burning Banana Stylo
Looney Tunes Stylo
Rainbow Cyphastrea
WWC Bizarro Cyphastrea
Meteor Shower Cypastrea

FAVIAS SPECIAL Package Price 1 each $90
Legendary Corals Gonzo’s Spicy Lemon
Cornbred Insano Inferno
Cornbred Radioactive Rainbow
Cornbred Apple Jacks
CC Darth Maul

Zoa’s & Palys
Multi Zoa mini colonies
ARC Expo Raffles!

We are pleased to announce that we will be conduction 2 types of raffles this year

All supporting Members attending will receive one free entry to the ARC free Raffle.
Free Raffle Prizes to name a few…
  • Seachem, Reef Fusion parts A&B, Algae Scrapers, CoralCrete, Purfiltrum, 120g bucket of Salinity
  • Tunze, Care magnet long, Turbelle Nanostream 6020
  • Synergy reef Coozies
  • Continum, various products…Cheato grow, Aqua Blades…
  • Brightwell Aquatics, Various Products…Coral Amino, Koral VM, Assorted Reef Blizzard food packs…

This year we will be selling paid raffle tickets ay $5 each or 5-$20
*Raffle tickets will only be sold at the event and the winner must be present to claim the prize.

Once you purchase raffle tickets you can place them in a bucket for the desired raffle prize. This means you can select which prize you enter the raffle for. You can place as many or as few in any of the prize buckets. A lot of our vendors will be offering Vendor specific raffle prizes so visit all the vendors to see what they may have donated to the paid raffle.
*Each participating Vendor will have a prize bucket at their booth to entry the raffle for their prize.

Paid Raffle Prizes to name a few…
  • ARC & Neptune systems, Full Apex System $799
  • ARC, AI Hydra 26 HD $350
  • ARC, 6 Trident Water Test kits $270
  • Bulk Reef Supply, 75gpd 4 STAGE VALUE PLUS RO/DI $215
  • Josh Pork Sandwich, Zoa pack & Zoa ID chart $325
  • Glow Pop corals, $100 Gift card
  • Riptide Aquaculture, 2 $50 gift cards
If we don't plan on getting there until 2-3, I'm guessing we will miss out on some/several raffles?