2019 ARC Coral & Aquatics Expo

Most of the paid raffles should happen from 3-4. Free raffles will be held all day long.
It's almost here...anyone else getting excited?

If not, maybe I can help. Working on a really nice high end monti pack
RR Crazy T
ASD Rainbow Phoenix
Kung Pow
CB Blazing Rockies

How about a couple very colorful frags of a CB Rainbow Crush chalice

Still not excited...check to make sure you still have a pulse!
Dave, is stirring the pot. I know I am excited. How many of the monti packs you going to put together. I might have to get Kim a late Mother’s Day present.
Here are the corals we are bringing to the expo. Pics are available upon request. PM with any questions. Trades are always welcome.

By “we” I assume he means me so I can bag and stand there and look dumb every time he walks off to see something shiny. I’m going to practice my lines.....

I have no idea how much that is you have to ask Jin

Which ones are mine? Probably whatever is rolling around under the frag rack

Ok I think I’m ready
Sorry, I should've included the pricing. Pre-sales are fine. You're welcome to pickup as well or I can bring to the expo. PM is key. I'll try to frag a few more of those things that are already sold out.
