275 gallon system. 180 gallon DT, 55g refug, 40g sump

Sewer Urchin;1067999 wrote: I'm not a expert (although I may have stayed at a Holiday Inn last night) but my thoughts are that diatoms will stick around until the nutrient feeding them is used up. Just part of the new tank thing. You could try cleaning with a toothbrush, but they tend to stay as long as there is food. Kinda like a drunk frat guy at a college party, but once they kill the keg..... see ya

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Haha. I know the drunk fraternity kind very well. Most of them are my friends. I'll research them tonight. I like the analogy though.

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Yep, diatoms go away on their own for the most part. Unfortunately, reef tanks get ugly before they get pretty. Diatoms eat silicate which is plentiful after adding new sand.
JBDreefs;1068002 wrote: Yep, diatoms go away on their own for the most part. Unfortunately, reef tanks get ugly before they get pretty. Diatoms eat silicate which is plentiful after adding new sand.
Ah makes even more sense. Just added 3 more 20lbs bags to my fuge a few days ago

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Got a few more things done this weekend.

Got the ATO set up and running and I got the LED strips set up under the tank so I can see the sump. I'm really happy with how these turned out.

I've got it set up on a RF controller that will control the sump lights and soon another set of lights above the QT tanks.

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They are RGBW LEDs so I can make it all look fancy.
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How would you know if flow is to high in the tank?

Added the other 2 new clowns to the DT. They were very active at the store and in QT for the most part but they have been added they just kind of hang out in the corner where the other 2 clowns are or are stuck up against the corner overflows.

Not sure if I need to cut the power heads down or the return pump or a mixture of both.
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The 2 orange clowns really haven't moved out of this spot at all for the past 3 or 4 weeks.

They are all still seem to be eating well too. I'm afraid it may not be enough because they don't seem to venture to go find food. I've been stuck trying to feed them in this little corner.

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That's just what clowns do. My dominos only leave their home to eat and then immediately go back. They've been in my tank a full year.
If you want to try and entice them to leave to get food, just hold the food in your fingers and rub your fingers around a little bit. They will smell the food and come running.
Even with the little guys pretty much upright against the corner overflows? I mean the little guys were pretty much strait up and down against the cornners
Mine are still against the overflow. In fact, I had hoped they would move when I got an anenome about 5 months ago, but the anemone ended up moving and settled pretty much right next to the overflow that they loved, so they just stayed put. They will relax eventually and venture out to just swimming in that area instead of being pressed against it, but it won't be immediate.
<span style="color: black"><span style="font-family: Verdana">Probably Looking to acquire some Chaeto this weekend. Anyone need some taken off their hands? I live in the Cumming area. </span></span>
Learned a valuable lesson here recently.

... Do not put peppermint shrimp in your sump if they can access the the return pump section. Spent a little while pulling bits of shrimp out of my return sprayers. Lol may they rest in pieces..... &#128519;.

Also had a few Scarlett crabs die. Not sure if it was fighting over shells, a lack of food source, lower side of salinity or maybe a slight ammonia spike. Only hit 0.2 or is it 0.02. (Just barley measurable) multiple smaller water changes to be done this week.

Not sure if the spike is due to uneaten food (sand vacuum arriving tomorrow), skimmer not being dialed in yet (either seems to be overflowing or not bubbling high enough in the neck) or the recent deaths of inverters. But the tank is checked every day and they must have died overnight so they weren't in the long.

Speaking of skimmer maintenance. Anyone know where I could fine another o-ring for the skimmer top? Just doesn't sung and seem like there may be a small leak.

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Ammonia: It's likely because your tank has such a small bioload that the bacteria can't handle a spike like a shrimp dying. A water change will definitely help, but my guess is by the time you get around to doing it, it will have broken down already.

The only critters I put in my sump are hermit crabs because they are usually strong enough to stay out of the return. Shrimp are definitely not.

Uneaten food: Can you see it floating around on the sand? If so, just cut back on feeding a little bit. When I feed my fish, I hold the food in my fingers and the fish take it right out of my hand. This will help prevent food getting to the bottom of the tank. Also, turn off your powerheads so if any food gets loose, the fish won't have a problem grabbing it.
It's pretty normal for the skimmer to work properly in new tanks. Not enough waste to pull out. Give it a few months, and it will be pulling out a lot
LSU_fishFan;1069683 wrote: It's pretty normal for the skimmer to work properly in new tanks. Not enough waste to pull out. Give it a few months, and it will be pulling out a lot

I didn't even think about the skimmer probably isn't even broken in.
What skimmer do you have?

If it's a reef octopus, give coralvue a call, they probably will sell them
How high should I dial in the water. Should I have the bubbles close to the top of the cup. Or a couple inches below?

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LSU_fishFan;1069685 wrote: What skimmer do you have?

If it's a reef octopus, give coralvue a call, they probably will sell them
Reef octopus and I'll try and look a little harder online

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Tanked;1069686 wrote: How high should I dial in the water. Should I have the bubbles close to the top of the cup. Or a couple inches below?

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I like mine to be about the same height as the base of the cup.
I'm seriously having trouble finding this O-ring. Why can't everyone have EcoTech Marine kinda customer service?
Tanked;1069702 wrote: I'm seriously having trouble finding this O-ring. Why can't everyone have EcoTech Marine kinda customer service?

If you can measure it you can find most anything online. Get the OD, ID & Diameter (width of the ring) if your having a hard time with the diameter approximate it by subtracting the ID from the OD.

https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=o-rings">Here's a Google search for "o-ring"</a>

If you're having a hard time pm me the dimensions and I'll find it for you.