275 gallon system. 180 gallon DT, 55g refug, 40g sump

Crew;1066157 wrote: I just spray painted the back of my tank black, but it's against a wall, so i can't really get to it anyway. Plastidip would definitely be the way to go in your situation.

Here is the fuge light I use and I know Brett (bcavalli) uses it too. We both have success with it.


I run mine for about 16 hours/day on an opposite schedule of my display lights, You could put an LED strip or something in the fuge if you wanted to look at it, but in my experience, they all tend to look the same - green. :)

With your clean up crew - figure out however many of whatever critters you want and divide it by 4 and then add a group each time you notice the algae outpacing your CuC.[/QUOTE]
OK sounds good. My fuge is probably 40 to 45 inches long. Do you think I should use 2 of those lights?

And I've been reading mixed thoughts on miracle mud. Is it really worth it or is a 4 or 5 inch sand bed a better way to go for the refugium.

Oh and we got Zeros again for ammonia and nitrite with nitrates at 10. Thinking of adding the clowns this weekend and starting the refugium.

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Alright so definitely a new aquarium owner question. Is it normal for the inside of the sump and equipment and tubing to get a white film and slimy? Is this something I should be cleaning with regular maintenance?

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Sounds a bit like a bacterial bloom.... which could common with newer tanks.

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Sewer Urchin;1066344 wrote: Sounds a bit like a bacterial bloom.... which could common with newer tanks.

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But that's a good thing tho right? Good bacteria?

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Thinking of getting a 3rd heater. I have 2 ehime Jager 300w heaters and for the first couple weeks I was pretty steady at 77.1 degrees. I know it's gotten a little colder but it seems like they're always on and the tank is around 75 degrees. Temp will be apex controlled.

Could it be the white film I mentioned in the post above on my heaters?

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Tanked;1066347 wrote: Thinking of getting a 3rd heater. I have 2 ehime Jager 300w heaters and for the first couple weeks I was pretty steady at 77.1 degrees. I know it's gotten a little colder but it seems like they're always on and the tank is around 75 degrees. Temp will be apex controlled.

Could it be the white film I mentioned in the post above on my heaters?

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I guess I could just clean the heaters and find out first hand.

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I have two 250s in my 120. I would imagine that you would probably need a bit more punch for your tank. My heaters are also generally on most of the time. My apex controls them to where they turn on at 78.9 and turn off at 79.1, so they come on and off pretty regularly. The water temp is going to drop quickly, especially in the winter, so I wouldn't worry about them staying on unless you are having trouble hitting your desired temperature, which sounds like that might be the case.
Crew;1066359 wrote: I have two 250s in my 120. I would imagine that you would probably need a bit more punch for your tank. My heaters are also generally on most of the time. My apex controls them to where they turn on at 78.9 and turn off at 79.1, so they come on and off pretty regularly. The water temp is going to drop quickly, especially in the winter, so I wouldn't worry about them staying on unless you are having trouble hitting your desired temperature, which sounds like that might be the case.
I ordered 2 aquatop 300w heaters. they may not be the best quality but they're affordable. I figured one will do the trick and have a second on hand ICE. Two on Amazon prime for 30 bucks.

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Waiting to see how the cycle goes into the weekend and if if we have zeros across the board I will add my two clowns. They have been in QT for almost 2 months. Thinking a 30ish % WC.

I did want to ask for opinions on adding my two clowns.

One is definitely the larger and the bully. Would it be wise to add the smaller of the 2 first and let him acclimate for a few days then add the larger, or would it even matter at this point? They have been sharing a 10 gallon and will be going to the 180g.

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The larger, meaner one is the female. The male likes getting pushed around ;)

They are fine to go in together

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Ya I knew the larger will develop into the female. I just didn't know if giving the smaller a head start would help the little fella. He will soon have plenty of room to get out of the way.

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Had some family come out and help me with the electrical. He's an electrician and made easy work of everything.

I now have 2 dedicated circuits going to the aquarium room. A 20 amp breaker to a dual and quad receptacles. Then a 15 amp supply a dual receptacle I can hook my kegerator up to. . Plus he added additional receptacles to the line I previously had running into the basement. I didn't get a picture of the 15 amp circuit.
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These are the 3 outlets up above the lights he added to the previous line going into the room.
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Today I'm going to pretty much spend the whole time doing wire management and getting the apex set up correctly.

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Also stopped by pure reef yesterday and collected some new tank mates

10 Astraea snails and 10 Nassarius snails

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We got 10 Scarlett crabs but unfortunately 1 didn't even make the trip to the house. These guys really are cool. The red really pops under the UV.

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2 Emerald crabs
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Charley also really wanted an urchin as well.
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We got the original clowns in the dt and picked up 2 more midnight Clowns that are now in QT.
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These guys I like a lot.
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Acclamation went pretty smoothly. Some repurposed hospital IV Tubing makes easy work for drip acclamatiing. They all have roller clamps already on them.
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Also picked up 25 feet of silicon tubing off amazon. This stuff is out of the ballpark compared to working with just vinyl tubing.
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The last time I was in the hospital I spent about 20 minutes trying to convince the nurse to give me some of those drip controllers for acclimation and had no success. I knew they would work.

This looks awesome so far. Fair warning - the clowns will never explore the entire tank. My domino's have been in my 120 for a year now and i'm about 99% certain they have never crossed over the middle of the tank. They stay exclusively on their side and can be found in their little section probably more than 50% of the time.
Ahh no. I was hoping they would at least try and explore some of the nooks and crannies. I'm sure I may have extras laying around. Hell we throw so many away I could get some easily. I'll just make sure I get some that have just had normal saline running in them

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ya - clowns tend to stick with what they know. Finding Nemo was surprisingly accurate with that aspect.

In my experience, Wrasse are the best rock explorers while gobies are the best sand explorers.
Was thinking about getting two of these for the fuge. Crew they look similar to what you mentioned but about 40 bucks cheaper. Anyone used them?
