93g Build. Need suggestions and tips


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If you haven't read my other threads over the last week I've set up and plumbed many fresh water tanks over the years. This is my first real SW tank. 93g cube(ish). Thanks Dallas. 20g long sump mag 7 return and an ATO. It's going in the corner over my room near my office. I'm building barn style bypass doors in that entry way, so the back of the stand will be against the door so I can get to it from there too.

I had asked for skimmer recommendations here.


I thought I'd make a thread for thew whole build. I hope to hear some tips and get recommendations for set up, filtration, lighting, fish, coral and live rock selection and placement.

I definitely want coral and fish. Clowns, a blue tang, flame angel, maybe a dwarf lion fish. I think I would like to keep some open space for fish too. I'm not that familiar with rays and sizes but I've always like them. I figure my tank is a little small for that.

I think I want to add another sump maybe for a basic refugium. I've read a little about deep sand beds but I don't know much about them. I'll probably end up putting my ATO reservoir on the other side of the wall.

I do not want an overly automated tank. I don't want a ton of electronics, dosers or things like that. Part of the hobby for me is the time I put in to it.

How's this for a skimmer? Decent deal?

[IMG]http://s936.photobucket.com/user/dherrmann8616/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20160501_155457_zpsenj79njm.jpg.html">[IMG]http://i936.photobucket.com/albums/ad207/dherrmann8616/Mobile%20Uploads/20160501_155457_zpsenj79njm.jpg alt="" /></a>

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So this tank has holes for 2 1" bulkheads I believe. The top part of the existing overflow is 1.5". Thinking I'm going to get a 1500gph DC pump to replace the mag. I'll plumb that in to a manifold for a phosphate or calcium reactor maybe at some point. How much flow do you think the one overflow can handle?

It seems most SW and reef setups don't run very fast through the sump... I run about 3000gph through my FW 210g... and thought about running the return for this 93g outside and using both of the lines in the overflow as drains. SW is all about water circulation in the tank, but not through the sump? I understand fuges need to work slowly with more contact time... It just seems like I can accomplish high flow in the tank with the return pump rather than powerheads then use a secondary fuge for a slower flow. Maybe I'm wrong, then I'll just get a 1100gph dc.
Just waiting to hit place order....

http://www.amazon.com/SCA-302-Gallon-Protein-Skimmer-Version/dp/B00HLXJ6EU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1462193403&sr=8-1&keywords=SCA-302">Amazon.com : SCA-302 180 Gallon Protein Skimmer (In Sump) Newest Version : Pet Supplies@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41AVapMCqPL.@@AMEPARAM@@41AVapMCqPL</a>

<!-- gcu-updated ame -->http://www.amazon.com/Reef-Octopus-Classic-Protein-CLSC-110SS/dp/B00XRHMW0Y/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1462194533&sr=8-3&keywords=Reef+octopus+150+classic<!-- gcu-updated /ame -->

[IMG]http://www.amazon.com/Coral-Vue-Technology-AC20287-210-Gallon/dp/B003TQ9ST6/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1462197658&sr=8-2&keywords=Reef+octopus">Amazon.com : Coral Vue Technology AC20287 Octopus Needle Wheel Skimmer for Aquarium Filter, 6-Inch, 210-Gallon : Aquarium Filter Accessories : Pet Supplies@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41xl1Ns4AVL.@@AMEPARAM@@41xl1Ns4AVL</a>
noticed your tv screen in the pic with "the story" .. i'm working on that musical now...
sorry for the off topic.
Yep, the music was playing yesterday while we moved the tank.

http://www.amazon.com/Eshopps-S-200-Cone-Protein-Skimmer/dp/B003JD3V06/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1462201011&sr=8-1&keywords=eshopps+s-200">Amazon.com : Eshopps S-200 Cone Protein Skimmer : Aquarium Filter Accessories : Pet Supplies@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41RJQVCq6sL.@@AMEPARAM@@41RJQVCq6sL</a>

this looks like a pretty good deal??? I guess it's an older model?


Did you see the RO skimmers listed here?

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i run the eshopps s-200, never had much experience outside of the eshopps, but i had the s-120 on my 65 and it worked great, so stuck with the same brand. only thing is that it has a slight whistle noise from the air suction, but with my cabinets closed, i don't hear it, so it doesn't bother me
Ok. I think I've got some good options in line for a skimmer. Now... lights. This one is giving me heartburn... aaah... I'd like to stay in the $300 range.

How deep of sand? What kind of sand?

Maybe I'm being impatient but I want to buy some cured LR from the store and some non cured. Can I put it in the tank with the heater and pump to let it start cycling prior to getting all of the plumbing done?
Are you thinking of going LED?

Um... I would wait to get the plumbing done first before I stick water in there. If you want to start cycling your rock, put it into a brute can and do it. That's what I did. Also, I would go with base rock, nothing live, what a pain in the but with pest, dealing with bubble algae from some live rock i picked up off a member here... talking about frustrating, battle been going on for like 6 months...

Sand bed is up to you, if I didn't have wrasses, I'd go bare bottom because i hate sand being blown around. Easier to maintain.
I may just got with a light cover of sand.I may end of with a wrasse or two.

I just set up a 5g clown tank. I got my live rock at Optimum. It worked out really well... obviously I didn't buy much.
Yes- I want LED.

I guess I may need to be more specific as far as what I want. I'm not really specific on the coral I might have. I do like the idea of fading from blue to white during the day and then back to blue in the evening. I really like crisp white light with a little bit of blue so you can see the water reflecting from the surface on the bottom. I accomplish that in my 210g FW tank with cheapo LEDs.
It looks like I'm probably looking at more than $300 for decent LEDs? Like two XR15s or something along those lines? Or is that not even enough?
There are a number of cheaper sets. Any other suggestions? Maybe something that I can start growing some coral on one side of the tank or maybe only higher in the tank, closer to the top until I upgrade?
If you are set on LEDs, check the ReefBreeders LEDs out. A 24" or 32" put at a diagonal should provide you with enough coverage and light to grow just about anything. They are good lights with a lot of good reviews. Many members here run them without any problems. Not as fancy as ecotech or AI, but still great lights for someone on a budget or those that just don't want to spend a fortune on lights.

Yeah, they pop up on the forum from time to time. You can usually find the older generation photon 32 for around $200-250. Lots of people run them.
I have a 93 cube.

I'm running one radion gen 30 pro 30. With 120 degree lenses. Only rampig whites to 27 percent. Covers great

Also only have a 900 gallon per hour return pump. Anything over that was too much. I have flow issues so find a way to get a few power heads or mp10s hidden in back corners