Blue legged hermit murder. Case #6

Go for a variety of cleaners, and make sure there's someting to eat in there. I tend to overfeed a little. Plus I'll rubberband Nori to a rock for all to munch on, not just theTang. My critters are a part of my system just as much as my fish and corals.
Blue legs get a bad rap but I have seen hermits fight over shells.

Sounds like your mortality rate is too high for those kind of feuds.

You may not be cognizant of the clicking but something is snacking on your crabs and I would bet it's not the other crabs.

Could be a bad crab hitchhiker. I have seen an evil guy in my tank that just looked mean. Of course I have a pistol in my tank and he does snack.
it could be another crab hiding in the rockwork killing everything. keep your eyes open and watch your tank at night.
a few weeks ago i thought i found one of my hermits dead too. i only had 2 at the time. it was a full body out of the shell with all the blue colors and i thought he was dead sooo i sucked him out and flushed. well next day i counted to live hermits.
maybe they tried to over a shell ...of a hermit that wasnt going to take it .so it fought I need coffee
Hermits are just gonna do that and there's not much you can do except watch them fight, and buy more. I have a long dowel rod I use to break them up, bit they just run back at each other and continue to fight. Found a set of legs today, red ones. Guess he lost his shell. I have extra shells, but they must not be lived in enough.