Help with new tank.

if your heart is set on Anemone's and anything but soft corals, those pc lights will not do the trick. It's a great time to send them back for store credit, before they are used! However, if you are looking for fish & soft coral, you'll be fine.
higher light creatures such as Anemone's, Stony corals, etc will need at least T-5 lighting, Metal Halide, or LED's. There are many reasonably priced fixtures for you.
You could do some anemones under the Compact Florecent.... Be very careful of the ones you choose though
This really upsets me since I went to two fish stores and they told me that these were all I would need to have almost anything I wanted. I have just wasted $700.00 on lights that dont do what I need. That sucks.
I think you could do Bubble Tip Anemones under florecents with suplimental feedings.... The lights you have are pretty good, dont be discouraged!
about the lights, yes they are very good for compact fluorescents, but would it be hard to exchange them since they are brand new? There might be a couple of species of Anemones that you can keep, but you will be limiting your selection dramatically. On the other side, those might be the species that you wanted anyway?
No I cant return the lights :sad:. So I guess I better find out what things I can grow with them and learn to be happy. Anyone know what is the best stuff is? Any and all help is welcome. Thanks in advance.:yes:
<span style="font-family: ITCGaramondStd-Bd;"><span style="font-size: 12px;"><span style="font-size: 12px;"><span style="color: #3a4c7c;">CU1026</span></span><span style="font-size: 12px;"><span style="color: #3a4c7c;">72/</span></span><span style="font-family: ITCGaramondStd-Bd;"><span style="font-size: 12px;"><span style="color: #3a4c7c;">2x96watt/</span></span></span><span style="font-family: ITCGaramondStd-Bd;"><span style="font-size: 12px;"><span style="color: #3a4c7c;">2x96 watt/</span></span></span><span style="font-family: ITCGaramondStd-Bd;"><span style="font-size: 12px;"><span style="color: #3a4c7c;">Yes/</span></span></span><span style="font-size: 12px;"><span style="color: #3a4c7c;">1</span></span><span style="color: #3a4c7c;"><span style="font-size: 12px;">72</span><span style="font-family: ITCGaramondStd-Bd;"><span style="font-size: 12px;">"x8.25"x4.5"/</span></span></span><span style="font-size: 12px;"><span style="color: #3a4c7c;">384/</span></span><span style="font-size: 12px;"><span style="color: #3a4c7c;">3.1/</span></span></span></span>

The light you have is 384 watts, a good output for PC's. But the LFSs that told you that these light would cover you for anything were greatly mistaken(not a uncommon issue with some LFS). But the good news is that you can grow about any softy and some LPS. I would definitely stay aways from Anem's, SPS and clams. Once you get everything stable and your tank has cycled let us know and I am sure we have plenty of softies frags to get you going. Make sure you read about each coral/fish before you buy. There are different requirements for each, more than just lighting: flow, feeding reqs, etc. Good lluck!
You need some good books to read. The Conscientious Marine Aquarist. Julian Sprung and Charles Delbek's Coral Reef Aquarium....Vol. 3 is a must. You really need some good books to fall back on.
Thanks for the advice I will see if I can find these books so I can maybe understand more about all of this. How long does it usually take to cycle a tank or does that have to do with what all I put in it?
The lights that I am getting is there a different bulb that I can use so I can grow different corals? The lights are the orbits cu1026.
PC's can have Daylight and actnic bulbs, and they can range in kelvin(K). But their limitation is the PAR they can produce. As long as you have a good mix of say 10K daylight and 6500K Actnic bulbs you can grow all soft and some LPSs. If you upgrade to Metal Halide, T5 or HO LED's then the PAR gives you the ability to grow anything. In my opinion is a good idea to begin with PC's and start off slowly. Learn as you go and then upgrade when you feel you are ready for corals, clams etc that require more experience. Good luck! Wet WebMedia is a great place for info!
after you put the live rock in, I think it takes about 4-6 weeks to cycle. Changing your bulbs will have very little effect on your par (amount of usable light for coral). Don't feel bad, my first 300.00 fixture was a current power compact sold to me by a lfs, too!
for 700 bucks you can have a kick azz light system get your money back and we can all lead you into the right direction ....i would go with t5 ..just cause you have more options ..go retro kits and if you dont already have a canopy build ne or someone else on here probably can help ...and it will still be less then 700 bucks and you can have anemones hard corals anything you like ...and bulbs would coast alot less then pc
The place I got the lights from wont exchange them so this is all I have to work with. The live rock that I am getting already has stuff growing on it. Do I need to wait until it cycles of can I go on and put it in the tank when my lights get in?
What's growing on the rock? You can likely put it in, but monitor the ammonia levels and do a water change when ammonia rises over 1.0 to bring it back under 1.0. You'll need to do this anyway 'cause you've got livestock in the tank. The cycle will take 'bout 4 weeks---you'll see the ammonia levels begin to drop and the nitrate levels will then peak and fall off.
personally i feel that the lfs should accept the light back as they were not truthful with you about what you could keep under them. they need to share some of the responsibility here for recommending something that was incorrect.
GA-PEACHES72;113737 wrote: The place I got the lights from wont exchange them so this is all I have to work with. The live rock that I am getting already has stuff growing on it. Do I need to wait until it cycles of can I go on and put it in the tank when my lights get in?

Wow... $700 is quite an investment for lights and I can't imagine which supplier would not gladly exchange them, unless perhaps you ordered from EBay?

Also, I would definitely take note of the LFS that gave you that costly mis-information and think twice before taking their advice again without doing research to back it up. Unfortunately, that's an expensive lesson to learn; as Victor said, $700 would have been enough to buy a light to support just about anything you wanted to put into your tank.

Anyway ~ Welcome to the ARC ~ ask lots of questions, the feedback here is wonderful. I'd also invite you to our January meeting to get to know the gang. Watch for a Club Announcement to find out when and where.
if you dont have the lights and you havent opened them get you money back man its not right that they are telling you no unless like linda said they are a ebay store .....i would fight it ...and also why would they have your money if you dont have them at hand me if i were you they would give me what is mine and then i would make sure anyone i know doesnt shop there again ...good luck and welcome to our club...hope we can help you in anyway ...and at leaste now we wont lead you to spending money you dont have too ;) ......on a side note if this is a plaace like dr fosters and smith even if you have to pay shipping to send them back do so you will end up paying less in the long end