Help with new tank.

go to the bottom were it says go advance and then scroll sown some on the page it takes yo to oand add attachment should work
your husband plays call of duty? sweet.
i would stop worrying about the lights, minus some lose of money. i learned the hard way too that the LFS can rip you off. I always look to this site first for info and items i need.
also, in my opinion softies and lps are the most beautiful with the way they move in the current. i dont have any plans to keep hard corals.
you can cycle withg damsels but alot of us frown on this method, i cycled my tank with regular peice of shrimp which inmo is a much better way.
I hope this works.
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Wow that's a nice x-mas gift! I love how sterile and clean it looks right now. :)

I also like how your fish are the same color as your background. It was the same way in my tank originally when I started. I named that damsel waldo for obvious reasons...

Anyways, please keep in mind that you're going to want to remove those pretty lil damsels before you add different fish as they are uber territorial.

Nice setup. Look like this will be the joy of your room for years to come.

I recommend you remove those Damsels now, since it is still easy to take them out. They are aggresses, territory and hard to get out once you have more LRs in it. You will have a hard time adding more fish into your tank later once those Damsels grown.

I won&#8217;t getting into bioball since I never have them. I am sure other will give their opinion about them soon enough
I didn't know that I had to remove the damsels. That is why I only got 4. You dont think the tank is big enough for them all?
yes very nice now you need about 100-200 lbs of live rock lol you can contack horsesziggy (sal) he sells it at 2.50 lbs better than local fish store they sell it at around 7-8 a lbs.....i got my lr from him for my 12 gal nano
Where were all of you two weeks ago. I sure could of used all of this advise then. It should of been easier to of found all of ya'll. I had no one that I could of counted on. That is that knew anything about fish, other than how to cook them. lol
Your tank are more then enough for them. You could put 10 in it and still have room. It not about your tank. it about those damsels. They are verry aggresses and territory. They will try to kill other fish that you may want to add to the tank later. They are cute, but MEAN...
ok. let take 1 step back.
Where are you getting your LR? Are they Live, or base rock?
Most people do 50/50 live and base rock to save money. (all rock will be live in no time.)

You do not need to have any fish in the tank to start your cycle. There are short cut with the use oc Chemical and the RIGHT way to cycle.
Short cut will take about 1 week to 10 days, the RIGHT way take 4-8 weeks.
also , i can tell by your sump that it was advised by an ill LFS. ditch the bio- balls, and get more water volume ASAP. Ditch the damsels before you add fish