I'm panicking: SPS shedding

i didn't even read that 2.5gallons a day and if that is not being added in small increments as it is evaping but at just 2.5gall a day that is throwing all kinda stuff outa wack...u need ato and aerate your ato water...leave the chemicals alone...nothing but trouble...the only chemical i own is kalk mix and that is for my kalk reactor that is setup inline with my ato...i own kalk mix, salt mix, kent garlic extreme, and lots of fish food...that is all it takes (in a nut shell) to maintain a very nice reef tank
sailfish;353150 wrote: He mentioned 2.5 gal a day earlier if I am not mistaken.


I guess I should read your question correctly. lol

I agree with you all about a auto top off but that will not fix the low PH issue. No one is telling him to dose his tank the suggestion is to dose some top off water with Soda ash then test the DKH and Ph. If the DKH of the dosed top off is not higher then whats in his tank. He should be able to use it without a problem

I have been adding top off water all at once. I see the low ph, and salinity may be a huge contributor here..
wbrown;353206 wrote: I have been adding top off water all at once. I see the low ph, and salinity may be a huge contributor here..
that will do it...may not be the main problem but deff wont hurt the system to dose ro wather in small increments vs 2.5gall at once...especially if your return nozzle in the display is pointed any direction towards the sps that are RTN...ato and water changes will probably fix your problems along with aireating the water (i can't spell)

return is on the opposite end from the RTN'd stuff. I'm feeling one of those ah-hah moments coming about the ph and top off water, reaching for it.. reach.. :)
I'm hoping for confirmation that this is part of the issue I've had with dosing CA and ALK..
wbrown;353095 wrote: well Hmmmm.
I started aerating (5.49) water about 8:35- 8:40, now ph is bouncing from 7.08 to 7.12...

That's perfect!

So, I would do a few 32g water changes to flush everything out of your water column. This should restore your parameters to the natural levels of your salt mix. I would keep aerating your top-off and keep up with your normal water change schedule. Let's see where your parameters are during this maintenance stage. If all is well, problem solved. If not, we go from there.

Adding too many chemicals to adjust individual parameters is an exercise in futility and will only lead to frustration and tank crashes. Best thing is to keep things stable. Remember, a water change can never hurt.

FYI-If you need to raise the ph of your rodi water quickly, you can try a dab of kalk.
I've been living the futile dream, it sucks.
I'll do another change today, and see where it leads me. Hopefully all will straighten out in short order.
32 G change number four completed.
Added a carbon bag and airstone to the 'fuge just for grins, and to negate any nasties the PO'd leather may secrete.

I did a major re-plumb of the garage today too, now I have a new decanting barrel with mag 12 with air injector made into the output (3/4x3/8/3/4 tee with 3/8 hardline to outside air), and a 100g/hr boost pump to repressurize to feed my mix tank (and later provide make up water via ATO).
fun,fun,fun.. :)
other than checking ph, salinity, sg, and matching temp I haven't checked params.
Some stuff looks good, some is PO'd from the pump and PH's being off while I did the w/c.
I'll test in the AM and see how things look after I fire off the lights.
Ph is at least stable, and without buffering my source water so I'm hopeful this merry go round is over.
dkh still running 9%
calcium 480
ph stable 8.2- 8.3
trite 0
trate 0
ammo 0
mag 1440

things seem better since I started aerating the make up water, now to tweak ALK just a smidge. good thing there are calculators, I'll stay under the recommendations a bit just to be safe (r).
Still lost a handful of pieces, one stag I was thinking may have been okay finally shows signs of bleaching. Monti's took a beating, but still have some color in spots, as well as some of the acros.
All the birdsnest bit it. and the hydnophora (yay).
All the Softies look good, although the water may be too clean for their tastes.
One blasto bit it, the other is still hangin.. I don't think it will recover, but I'm not ready to pull it yet. Acan looks stressed, but is extending polyps some. One trumpet looks bad, but is extending tentacles so will have to wait.
Meanwhile, stuff in the other tank is doing well, so this whatever was isolated to just the one.
changed a total of just under 200G, still have about 8-10 cups of salt left in a 200 G bucket.
I've reduced my photo period to about 8 hours under hqi's to give things a chance to rest, actinics are running 12 hrs. Been running one hqi for about 2 hours before the second, and turning it off about 2 hours before as well.
Thanks for the help, advice, links, and tips!
I was about to pull the plug on this tank and throw in the towel as hopeless.