my tank

GDOG - Post up pics on this thread via photobucket. It is best that you use the forum to your advantage, rather than just having my opinion only....
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it worked, by the way is your name garret? do you have a 360? i was hanging out with my friend kyle/hooyoung ky and i saw gdogg on his friends list.
tank is looking pretty good man i was expecting to see a lot worse when i was started reading this thread.......just keep following dawgdudes instructions take it slow like everyone has said and you will have a fantastic looking reef tank in no time.......another thing you could think about doing that doesnt cost to much is pick up the hydro mod kits for those Maxi Jet powerheads.....its just a plastic piece that goes on the powerhead that spins around creating more water movement.......but you seem to be on the right track now man
Once you save some cash, you could buy a HOB overflow and return pump. Then you can build your own sump w/ refugium and hide all the ugly heaters, filters, etc.

Plus, this will increase your total water volume allowing you to keep another fish or two.
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i got rid of the hang on the back im getting some better stuff and painting the back of my tank black
also guys every time i clean my tank i wake up the next morning and its just as dirty anyone know why this is... i was thinking about painting the back of it black but i dont know y this is happenning
get about 10 or 15 astra/margerita snails... that should help with the dirty glass
