Show your tank(s)!!!

Not able to get updated pics to post, but this thread will show pretty much where I am now, system wise.

beautiful tanks everyone! I love threads like these, showing off your love for the hobby is so great.
heres a full shot of my 46

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an updated pic of the blasto and plate i got from michelle!much happier today
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heres one of my 120 soon to be 500.hopefully the extra volume will help my phospate problem.
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love all the coraline growth!! My anemone tank at home is slowly gainin a lot of coraline, I'll post of pic of that tank tomorrow. I always seem to forget to take my camera home, been meaning to get a pic of that tank for some time now.
glxtrix wrote: love all the coraline growth!! My anemone tank at home is slowly gainin a lot of coraline, I'll post of pic of that tank tomorrow. I always seem to forget to take my camera home, been meaning to get a pic of that tank for some time now.

thanks,the first year it never really grew but after i started dripping Mrs wages it really took off.i have stopped using it for the last six months because it got almost out of control! I just dose kent turbo calcium now occasionally when i do water is 1-175mh xm10k and two 36" vho 03 actinic's.
I started to dose purple up on the anemone tank, all due to the fact that there are no corals so no calcium/alk is really needed. Althought Iam kinda dosing it whenever I do water changes with my left over c-balance.
Okay here are some of mine. No bashing i'm a noob ha! Tony is trying to straighten me out... haha:thumbs:
Dont know why but i cant post pics again... Anyone have an email address that will post for me?!"></a>

and for the record, dont trust tony!!!! j/k
thats what i mean sometimes there is no edit button on my posts...its so WEIRD!!!!:boo: