Show your tank(s)!!!

yeah my posts are like 20 seconds old and ill i have is quote. I dont know what it is. By the way BIG D, I LOVE your stand:wow2: cant wait till feb. im going to be hitting you up for plans hahaha:thumbs:
Showtime305 wrote: These tanks are nice. I wish I could get my coraline to grow like yours 46bfinga.

all in due time!At first i thought it would never happen,ive learned over the last couple years that nothing happens fast.just takes alot of patience and alot of $$$$$$$.
one pic o fthe croal tank at work from the side and some of the anemone tank at home - 25g Tall with 150W HQI 20K dont know the brand light. Three anemones in there, 1 bubble tip, 1 rose and 1 hatian along with 2 Maroon Clowns and I think one of them is a gold stripe. And two pics of my cichlid FW tanks. One is a 30g and other is a 55. The 30 has salousi and 1 mating pair of Aulonocara stuartgranti "German Red". The 55 has 3 Aulonocara stuartgranti "German Red", 2 male Aulonocara baenschi, 2 male Aulonocara sp. "Stuartgranti Maleri" (Chipoka), 1 mating pair of electric yellow labs and some of their babies, 1 6" Plecostumous and 3" clown loaches.

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Zanski wrote: yeah my posts are like 20 seconds old and ill i have is quote. I dont know what it is. By the way BIG D, I LOVE your stand:wow2: cant wait till feb. im going to be hitting you up for plans hahaha:thumbs:

Only ARC Members can edit their posts. I know you were going to sign up at some point; let me know if you had problems.
thanks 46, no kevin its not I've had that guy for over a year and a half now, I believe it was the second croal I've ever owned; bought it at petland by perimeter mall. Such an amazing leather it is, always has polyps that are super extended and my clowns love it! poor guys think its an anemone, lol. I actually have some babies from it, it moved from one rock to another (cuz the rock was close and the flow was knocking it on it so it moved over) and that resulted in leaving some flesh behind thus making some babies :) here is a pic of one. Once they get bigger I plan on selling them, the babbies that is.

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Finally got a few shots of my tank. They are actinics only though. I'll try and get some today with the halides on. Also, most of my sps are tiny frags. Kinda hard to see them in the full tank shot.


Here is a link to my gallery as well."></a>
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yeah they take some time to do that. What are your water parms at? There are some things you can do to help them grow a bit faster.
Well, I found out I had some low alk recently. It turns out my older bucket of Kent had 0.5 meq/l of alk. I now have mine back up to 4.5 meq/l. My calicium is 400 and I have been holding back on dosing until I get my alk back up a bit. I have been thinking about dripping Kalk, but after Chris' kalk disaster, I'm not sure if I will or not.

I really need strong lights. Simon told me he would help me upgrade my existing Outer Orbit Light. Right now its 2x150 watt 10000K halides with 2 96watt actinics. Once I upgrade them, I'm hoping I'll get some better growth.
that will help along with flow, sps loves some good strong flow. Also check your MG if you can, thats very crucial to maintaining proper levels and growth.
Good point Glxtrix. I haven't checked my Mg in about 3 weeks. Last time it was 1410. My flow is decent right now. I have 1 maxi jet mod pushing about 2000 gph. I'm adding a second one as soon as I get around to it. I should probably do that tonight :)

I know we have more members than the few that have posted pictures on this thread. Come on and post your pictures.

Don't make me start calling out names!!

I'm waiting. :whistling: