JennM;611869 wrote: I do understand the intent of the discussion - it's friendly
Here's what I've seen:
Over time, tang develops symptoms of HLLE: facial pitting, perhaps some fin erosion. Nowadays I go for a voltage check pretty early on but before I noticed a pattern, I only examined water quality and diet. Once I had ruled those out as possible "causes" (or suspected causes since neither has been proven or disproven), then I'd do a voltage check. If the water quality was consistently good over time, and diet was suitable for the tang/angel (ie plenty of preparations for herbivores), and voltage was found, and the defective device was replaced, the symptoms would subside. Nothing else was changed - diet stayed the same, water quality stayed consistently good. The only "change" that was made, was the faulty device was replaced.
Now, for clarity, I don't believe that voltage is the ONLY cause. I have seen cases of this when no voltage was present but the water quality was horrid and/or diet not appropriate - not enough "greens". And of course there have been instances where voltage was unknown - tank was not tested etc. I recently posted a thread with a sailfin that was brought to me 2 weeks ago that looked like h@99, and after just 5 days in my tank, he's improving dramatically (now after 2 weeks he's still improving daily). His water was dirty beyond dirty (nitrate) and I suspect he was only fed spirulina flakes (based on customer's purchase history of food in my shop - but I don't know if he bought other foods elsewhere, so that variable is still somewhat of a mystery). As I mentioned too, I did ask that customer about carbon use - he mentioned that he changed the carbon "regularly" but did not elaborate on how regular, was regular, and I don't know what brand of carbon, or how it was prepared. I don't discount the notion of carbon fines, but I haven't seen a pattern between carbon use and HLLE. We use carbon in just about every tank we maintain, and it's not a widespread problem. In fact, it's not a problem in tanks we maintain except in 2 cases where a faulty (Stealth) heater was identified as a possible cause when other factors were ruled out - and again, we replaced faulty devices, and problems went away.
But I digress...
In instances where the only problem I could find was a device leaking voltage, the symptoms reversed once the faulty device was removed and replaced.
Like I said, I can't tell you *why*, I can only relay what I've seen. Not just one time, but many times, over the last 10 years.
HLLE or not, we do agree that a device that isn't operating properly and safely, needs to be addressed, period.