What did you do to your tank today

Did water change, scraped glass, fed everyone, and scrubbed up with soap, satisfied that I was done sticking my hands in the tank. Walked back in to see biggest snail very purposefully knock down my carefully wedged-into-place frag... shook fist in helpless rage and did my best "KHAANNNNN!". The drama was ruined due to my having to whisper in order not to wake the sleeping baby.
added a new 2 ft loc-line spray bar to go across the back on the tank for a little added flow in some areas.....WC.......cleaned glass....fed my fishys.......and cursed my jawfish for continuing to dig random holes in the sand and cover my corals that are on the sand bed.......&%^(*#!!!!!!
Cleaned and vacuumed my sump with that bucket wet vac. It was killer! Cleaned my skimmer, my return pump, changed gfo, did a 30 gallon water change, changes filter sock and gac, hummmm......oh yeah, I made up brs Calcium & Alk and filled my containers.

I wound up with about 5 inches of detritus in a 5 gallon bucket, lol.
for the 30 - I added black "privacy film" to the back glass... It was MUCH easier than painting (of course) and cost me $15..

anyone wanna buy some black privacy film? (it's the "cling" type that can be removed/re-installed)

for the 90 - I got this B@$t@rd out of the palys that i bought friday so I could put them back into the display (they were in the fuge until I could get the little guy out)

Anyone wanna buy a Gorilla Crab? (he's a little larger than a $0.50 piece)
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Cut the stupidly wide, pain in the rear ,totally unnecessary glass brace on my tank out and replaced with a narrow acrylic one. Wished I had done that a couple of years back!
Gave away some more salty goodness from my garage of a marine hoarder.
Hey Ron- I am sure someone has a mantis that wants to be friends with that guy
Added this nifty cooling fan to my AP24. Gonna see how cold I can make the tank.

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Didn't do anything other than turn on the RO for topoff.. Day 2 of lights out..
Tomorrow I'm going to do a WC, retrieve some frags that fell and syphon out another 40,000 flatworms.. Maybe if I can get 40000 or so I won't have to do it again for a few hours..
When/how are yo going to treat that Ansley? You don't need another reason not to sleep.
I've thinking Flatworm exit but with the infestation I have I don't think the called for WC would be enough to remove the toxins from the water..

Thought about setting up a 55gallon QT and dipping each rock a few at a time outside of the main display.. That seems majorly time consuming though..

The blue leopard wrasse are a sure fire predator of them as I have read.. Would much rather do a more natural exodus of them instead of using chemicals though..
Yes they are. LA and Scientific swear by them. Dave (groupertherapy) has a cycled 55 ready to go if you decide to transfer them for a bit while you treat the tank. Watch out though. They may come back to you fatter than ever
I wish there was a reset button.. LoL!!
Been wanting a leopard for quite sometime.. Now just a matter if I can get one that eats proper and not bound and determined to carpet surf..
Couple of things. Did a 15 gallon water change on my 95 gallon tank.

And bought a gold stripe maroon clown fish which is currently in my QT. I'll planning on keeping him in there for a bit to fatten him up before throwing him into my DT with the other gold stripe maroon. Otherwise she'll just beat him up. And he's still way too small. Got give him a fighting chance... :thumbs:
Doc you can train them to eat in qt and get with Dave on the jumper issue with a mesh tank top.
Terry- I hope it works out for you. Usually one that is already a male knows it's place as one and will subdue and not challenge the dominant female. Just going by size you may have to go lights out for a few days to keep down aggression while they sort it out
Smoothie;516853 wrote: Doc you can train them to eat in qt and get with Dave on the jumper issue with a mesh tank top.
Terry- I hope it works out for you. Usually one that is already a male knows it's place as one and will subdue and not challenge the dominant female. Just going by size you may have to go lights out for a few days to keep down aggression while they sort it out
The 'male' is a bit on the small size so I don't think it's sexed yet. But I'm thinking if I can keep him safe for a bit then he'll be fine. The female is a bit over twice his size.
Oil_Fan;516857 wrote: The 'male' is a bit on the small size so I don't think it's sexed yet. But I'm thinking if I can keep him safe for a bit then he'll be fine. The female is a bit over twice his size.
Nice! Fattening him up in qt will go a long way as you already know.
Are you going to use an acclimation box or whatever it is called when you introduce him/she/it to have a barrier when they establish dominance?
Smoothie;516858 wrote: Nice! Fattening him up in qt will go a long way as you already know.
Are you going to use an acclimation box or whatever it is called when you introduce him/she/it to have a barrier when they establish dominance?
I hadn't thought of that but that's a good idea....I'll should probably get one.

Jenn?? LOL