What's Your Experience at the Expo and What Did You Score?

MiaHaley;1033608 wrote:

Lol, yes Ralph, I am done now. I will now resume my awe over that beast of a duncan you have for sale.:up:

Thanks! I have a special price just for you!
Ralph ATL;1033619 wrote: Thanks! I have a special price just for you!

Thanks man, you have no idea just how special $3.50 would be for me. ;) lol
Atlanta Aquarium;1033625 wrote: Ralph, I have been with this club a long time. Although, I didn't volunteer my time for the club, I give the club in a different way. I gave a lot of things away until the last 1.5 years. The previous president wasn't the only incident that left bad taste in my mouth.
Take a look at this incident. I was called out for no reason. I am not responsible for the bad turn out. How can I support a frag swap like this?

we are good! I sent u a pm!
Atlanta Aquarium;1033624 wrote: I understand everyone have an opinion but one should get the fact straight first before forming an opinion. To make a long story short, would you want to go to a place where they acted like they don't want you there?
I've heard many vendors and customers complaint about the swap. The problem isn't because of me. There were many things should have been done differently to make the swap successful. That to be discuss in a different topic.
Rich should never called me out like this and trying to use me as an scapegoat. I would never done this to a vendor if I am the president. I wish he would call me over this matter. At the very least he could send me a PM over this matter if he think I'm unimportant like his predecessor. I have nothing to do with the failure of the swap. In the past 2 years, I feel like a couple club leaders didn't do me right. This is no exception.

First, I apologize to you Rit, my intent was not to lay blame on you. Yesterday evening I was pretty beat and what I was trying to say came out wrong. For that I am sorry.

If everyone will take just a moment and look back at my comments you will notice they are number. The comment in question was number 6 on the list I think. That should show you that I don't think any ONE item is to blame. What I was trying to do was show all of the factors that MAY have contributed. In this case, maybe my frustration got the better of me and for that I am sorry. Rit is a great sponsor and as I said in the post in question, I will continue to promote him and all our sponsors.

As for what our prior administrations may have done to upset you Rit, I am sorry for that as well. I would like an opportunity to correct any wrong doing if I can. My work schedule is crazy lately and getting away on a weekend to make the trip over will be difficult at best. But maybe one evening next week I can come see you and we can chat. Don't let me forget about it. :)

So again, I am sorry if I made Rit or anyone else feel singled out. I was only attempting to answer the question that were asked in this thread by listing the POSSIBLE contributing factors and I didn't do a very good job of it.

Atlanta Aquarium;1033665 wrote: It is all good Rich. Apology accepted.
You and every club leaders volunteer a lot of your free time for the club. That is a lot to ask for anyone hence everythng happened behind the scene I kept it to myself. It's when things get spilled over to the public forum that I have say something.
I am sorry too that this all happened but I do understand the frustration. In the future, if you guys feel that I need to do my part, please let know. I am a little slow sometimes so I might need to nudge a little bit sometimes. I will do it if I can.

Thanks for understanding Rit. I appreciate that. I still want to come see you when I can and see how we can help each other better. Our job is not only to look out for the members but for our partners as well.
rdnelson99;1033693 wrote: I still want to come see you when I can and see how we can help each other better.

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Did you guys know that I'm a homebrewer? :)

I'm about to start up a batch of IPA and a Belgian Wit this week, ETA: 30 days. Maybe I should host a get-together sometime, talk about burr and riffs.
I've not read the comments here nor will I since I personally have not been present at the last two years events. However I have made it to the last two Macna's and both Reefapolooza's Orlando.

My feelings are such, large scale specific frag traders events are only successful in small limited option venues. As people go to them thinking they will have all the ultra Uber dober LE crazy never before seen stuff. In a Market like Alabama I'm sure everything that was brought was just that to most of those people. To us from Atlanta, you'd have to collect specifically for yesrs just to get one eyebrow to raise. For what can you hope to see that you haven't within our laundry list of incredible sponsors? Between Rit, Pure Reef, The Fish Store, Avarium, Reef Shac, Little Nemo.... all commonly strong hobbyist at core bringing in and collecting routinely some of the best and most coveted animals. Its this that is missing elsewhere, our sponsors that almost any city would die to have just one supplying them and we havw them all.

In the raw basic sense, we are spoiled rotten. Plain and simple! :) Thanks truly to our sponsors.

This is a statement of everywhere I've been and I travel a lot.

Last, the fundementally reason I go to Macna's and Reefapolooza's is not for coral like said above. But for that first look at the new and exciting equipment, systems and products. The one on one I have the opportunity with those owners and select staff.

With this, I'm not sure the turn out gets better at these things really, maybe I'm wrong. Who knows....

I'll agree with the one comment I did read, the name is fundementally terrible.
DawgFace;1033725 wrote: I've not read the comments here nor will I since I personally have not been present at the last two years events. However I have made it to the last two Macna's and both Reefapolooza's Orlando.

My feelings are such, large scale specific frag traders events are only successful in small limited option venues. As people go to them thinking they will have all the ultra Uber dober LE crazy never before seen stuff. In a Market like Alabama I'm sure everything that was brought was just that to most of those people. To us from Atlanta, you'd have to collect specifically for yesrs just to get one eyebrow to raise. For what can you hope to see that you haven't within our laundry list of incredible sponsors? Between Rit, Pure Reef, The Fish Store, Avarium, Reef Shac, Little Nemo.... all commonly strong hobbyist at core bringing in and collecting routinely some of the best and most coveted animals. Its this that is missing elsewhere, our sponsors that almost any city would die to have just one supplying them and we havw them all.

In the raw basic sense, we are spoiled rotten. Plain and simple! :) Thanks truly to our sponsors.

This is a statement of everywhere I've been and I travel a lot.

Last, the fundementally reason I go to Macna's and Reefapolooza's is not for coral like said above. But for that first look at the new and exciting equipment, systems and products. The one on one I have the opportunity with those owners and select staff.

With this, I'm not sure the turn out gets better at these things really, maybe I'm wrong. Who knows....

I'll agree with the one comment I did read, the name is fundementally terrible.

Great point
lets change the energy a bit.

i cycled my tank with a hilighter goniopora i got at the reef expo.

begin flames...... now!
Oh and thank you to the BOD and all the volunteers that made this happen and continue to make this club available to us!

My post above did not and should not distract from that fact nor distant my personal gratitude and respect to the commitment you all give of which the end results in my own personal enjoyment. Mainly I wanted to extend my feelings towards something that I felt could be a contributing factor towards attendance. Essentially summarized to the extent of, don't beat yourselves up to much. I personally don't believe it was for lack of effort.

Last, while I know the need to change the date of these events make sense due to the BOD terms. I heard something from one of you that I really liked. Which was increasing the term limits to 2 years. Not only would that allow better long term solutions to a vast many problems facing the club. Largely a relative period of understanding the problems with enough time left over to fix them. But also could and should allow the swaps to be generally brought back towards the "tax refund" time frame. Which I think contributes to alot more turn out then we give credit towards. If nothing else, adjust the changes in administrations to end relative to a low period in both directions of the incoming and outgoing BOD, July maybe?

All in all I trust you guys have a great handle on these things so I'll leave it at that.

Again, thank you for all that you do!
Russ-IV;1033775 wrote: lets change the energy a bit.

i cycled my tank with a hilighter goniopora i got at the reef expo.

begin flames...... now!

What are you crazy, never cycle a tank with gonipora??? I usually use bubble tip anemones for cycling!
I suggest we go old school. Just like past frag events before the expo. Fragging demo followed by free frag give aways. I do not remember much complaining back then. Also invite non commercial members and ARC sponsors only to participate with booths. If Steve Tyree wants to do a seperate visit with coral vendors at his preferred location and time so be it. I am sure he would invite the club to participate and welcome promotion of the event along with the club. We use to draw 4-500 people to such event.
Make it a true swap by encouraging members to bring coral to trade
yeah, we could have separate sections for trade/cash/free, etc...

term limits for 2yrs is not bad as long as there is still a vote every year to get anyone out that members want out

I def think we should have the frag demo and giveaway. that is what drew a ton of folks, kids, newbies, etc. The speakers are/were great... but not what a ton of people are looking for for this kind of thing and the cost could be used towards the frag demo/coral?
dball711;1033945 wrote: What are you crazy, never cycle a tank with gonipora??? I usually use bubble tip anemones for cycling!

Why stop there? I used both....

funny thing is you think i am joking. (all joking aside i used dr tim's so ammonia spiked to .1, and nitrite has been hanging around .25 for 3 days, 5ppm nitrate)

This is even worse.... my lighting and mp40s dont arrive til friday. goni and alveopora are in the sump with a 5000k light