Donations to a Friend In Need

FishyBusiness;58110 wrote: Could either one of you make it to my shop on Sunday for a Sea Hare?
That's awesome, thanks! Heather says her family can in the afternoon. Where are you located?
Kevin;58097 wrote: I have a coral life 1 watt LED i would be happy to donate
Kevin, I appreciate the offer, but I think we are going to try this website:

wbholwell;58117 wrote:
I'm going to order two of the blue 3 LED fixtures and a transformer. I'd be happy to contribute to your project. Just let me know which fixtures you'd like and how many.
Since I'm no expert when it comes to lighting, if you don't mind, I think we'll go with the same thing you're ordering--unless you think the: LED36 No Remote Control $19.99 Per 48" Tube option is a good idea--would we need a transformer or anything else other than that tube? Thank you so much for the help!
Flipturn88;58585 wrote: Since I'm no expert when it comes to lighting, if you don't mind, I think we'll go with the same thing you're ordering--unless you think the: LED36 No Remote Control $19.99 Per 48" Tube option is a good idea--would we need a transformer or anything else other than that tube? Thank you so much for the help!

If you prefer the strip, that should work (I'm not sure about the maximum temperature it can withstand, though.) You'll also need a transformer and some way to turn it off and on (I'll supply everything you'll need and wire it up for you). Two questions:
-What color do you prefer?
-Would you like a switch to turn the LEDs on and off, or would you like me to wire it so that your lights turn on automatically when the normal tank lights turn off? (This <u>won't</u> involve splicing into the wiring of your lights.)
Flipturn88;58580 wrote: That's awesome, thanks! Heather says her family can in the afternoon. Where are you located?
Come to find out I have 2 addresses for my shop!
You can mapquest the newest one that I have found at 2656 Church Dr. Atlanta, GA 30340
FishyBusiness;58614 wrote: Come to find out I have 2 addresses for my shop!
You can mapquest the newest one that I have found at 2656 Church Dr. Atlanta, GA 30340
I think Heather is planning on stopping by Sunday afternoon; do you have a phone number she could call to reach you? Feel free to PM it to me if you want. Thanks again!

wbholwell;58599 wrote: If you prefer the strip, that should work (I'm not sure about the maximum temperature it can withstand, though.) You'll also need a transformer and some way to turn it off and on (I'll supply everything you'll need and wire it up for you). Two questions:
-What color do you prefer?
-Would you like a switch to turn the LEDs on and off, or would you like me to wire it so that your lights turn on automatically when the normal tank lights turn off? (This <u>won't</u> involve splicing into the wiring of your lights.)


They want the blue lights, and if you could wire the fixture so that the LEDs automatically kick on, that would be great</em>.

Thank you so much! This will be perfect. :)
And finally, below is a picture of Heather's tank - complete with T5 lights! The egg-crate divider is temporary, as Heather is housing my seahorses until they go to their new home, and we didn't want them getting eaten by her monster LTA.

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wow thats awsome what a great job from everyones part now all she needs is a conopy
Thanks everyone, and I agree! My sea horses are finally in their new home, so we were able to remove the egg-crate and do some more aquascaping. Her two maroon clowns are both happily hosting in the LTA after a few counseling sessions as well--they weren't so thrilled to be sharing the same anemone at first.

Heather LOVES her new sea hare too (thanks Fishy Business!).

Thanks again to everyone who has helped make this tank such a success!! :up:
Hello fellow ARCers,

I hope everyone's had a great start to the new year thus far. I'm currently home from college for another week, so I plan to attend Tuesday's meeting.

Heather's tank is doing well--all the corals are growing, and her three fish (maroon clown pair and an eight-line wrasse) are all healthy; however, we're still having some issues with nutrients. The hair algae has made a slight comeback, and we did a massive water change in conjunction with a flatworm removal product to combat the growing numbers of those pests. Based on what I've experienced/read, flatworms tend to come and go naturally, but increased nutrients and decreased flow rate definitely contribute to their proliferation.

Therefore, we're hoping to get Heather a good protein skimmer that would help reduce the nutrient level in her tank. By any chance, does anyone have a skimmer they'd be willing to donate? I have frilly red macro algae I can offer as a token of thanks, but other than that, I don't have much to offer (my tank's pretty simple due to my absence at college). We could meet up on Tuesday.

Much thanks,
Kayla and Heather
Flipturn88;118139 wrote: Hello fellow ARCers,

I hope everyone's had a great start to the new year thus far. I'm currently home from college for another week, so I plan to attend Tuesday's meeting.

Heather's tank is doing well--all the corals are growing, and her three fish (maroon clown pair and an eight-line wrasse) are all healthy; however, we're still having some issues with nutrients. The hair algae has made a slight comeback, and we did a massive water change in conjunction with a flatworm removal product to combat the growing numbers of those pests. Based on what I've experienced/read, flatworms tend to come and go naturally, but increased nutrients and decreased flow rate definitely contribute to their proliferation.

Therefore, we're hoping to get Heather a good protein skimmer that would help reduce the nutrient level in her tank. By any chance, does anyone have a skimmer they'd be willing to donate? I have frilly red macro algae I can offer as a token of thanks, but other than that, I don't have much to offer (my tank's pretty simple due to my absence at college). We could meet up on Tuesday.

Much thanks,
Kayla and Heather
Kayla? What size tank and what size skimmer?

I have one that was given to me. I know nothing about it. I can go take a picture.
Linda, thank you so much for the offer. She has a 55 gallon tank, and I'm not picky on the brand as long as it's one that works well. Thanks again!
Flipturn88;118476 wrote: Linda, thank you so much for the offer. She has a 55 gallon tank, and I'm not picky on the brand as long as it's one that works well. Thanks again!

I'll bring it to the meeting and you can check it out. Never used it and know nothing about it. Will try to research it tomorrow.
I am new to the hobby, so no extra equipment, but I know how expensive this hobby can be, and how rewarding, and I am glad to be able to help -- so I'll toss in $20 at the meeting as well.
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Kayla, the skimmer is this one (second one down on">this page</a>) and is rated for tanks up to 150g. Brand is Aqua Clear (Jacksonville, Florida).

I know nothing about this skimmer. There is no pump, but everything else seems to be there.

I'll put it in my car; let me know @ the meeting if you want it.