Donations to a Friend In Need

reefscape - thank you so much for the offer, but I think I've worked something out with Wei. Your generosity is much appreciated, though.

I will be at the ARC meeting on Tuesday (as well as Heather, I hope), so anyone who has offered something and I've accepted, please feel free to bring it then, as I think we are going to try to get the tank set up this weekend. Even if we have to add the sump at a later date, it would be great for her to at least have the display up and running. We'll probably have to add the live rock a bit later as well, unless those who have offered to bring some can on Tuesday.

Thanks again to all, and happy reefing! :fish:
Kayla _ I have a HOB overflow if you still need it for this project. Also have a pump or two laying around.
If anyone brings anything to the meeting, please feel free to leave it with me. I will be selling raffle tickets and SaltwaterU tickets.
Any recent updates on Heather's tank? Heather and Kayla, do you need anything else?
Hi all,

I'm sorry for going MIA for so long! Graduating and starting up all my summer activities prevented me from spending time with my hobbies, but thankfully it's begun to die down. Heather's been very busy with school as well, so we are relieved to finally be able to pick up this project again.

Heather and I plan to set the tank up this weekend</em>!!! We are both very excited, but it's going to involve a LOT of work. You have all done an excellent job of helping us accumulate items we need, but there are still a few things. Because she's going to have a 55g tank now, Heather really needs an RO unit, as I've been transporting water for top-off and water changes from my house to hers up until now; but lugging 50g of water to set up this tank and to do larger water changes would not be an easy task by any means, so we are hoping to somehow get an RO unit, mixing pump, and Rubbermaid bins she can set up in her house.

Also, If anyone has extra salt, we will be needing to either buy some or acquire it from somewhere else for when we fill the tank (this weekend). We aren't picky on the brand, and if needed, we can buy some.

Furthermore, more live rock (cured) would always be welcomed, as she will have only around 25-30 lbs to begin with.

We don't have the lights or skimmer yet, but I will be contacting Doug (Reeftank Lighting) and aquabuys, as they offered to help with both.

Thanks again for all your advice, input, and support. We will post pictures and keep you updated. :)
I have an extra RO unit I can donate (maybe you can save me one of your frags, Kayla!) and bring to the next meeting. It may need a few easy-to come-by odds and ends, and possibly a new cartridge or membrane, but it's a good 4-stage unit and is mostly there. I will bring it next tuesday and hopefully some RO/DI experts can come by and tell us what's missing (if anything...). I think I even have an extra TDS meter I might be talked out of.

how much cycled live rock would help the tank, i have plenty so giving is better than receiving i'll bringsome to the meeting 20 lbs 30lbs 40????? you're wish is my chance to help a great cause and a great club.... thanks sal 678-491-5027
horsesziggy;45869 wrote: how much cycled live rock would help the tank, i have plenty so giving is better than receiving i'll bringsome to the meeting 20 lbs 30lbs 40????? you're wish is my chance to help a great cause and a great club.... thanks sal 678-491-5027
30 pounds would be most appreciated. Please see the below post for some delivery options :) thanks!
Hi all, I am going away until Sunday, but I wanted to extend this offer to you: the emery family would love some additional help in setting up their tank--as it is going to be a big job--so they have invited anyone from the ARC who wants to help to come on Sunday at 12:30 PM. They will cook bratwurst, and they would really appreciate your knowledge on how to make this tank work. If you're interested, please email"></a> for directions address. You can also call them at 770-729-1948.

Much thanks, and i hope to see you then!
i wish i could make it but were putting in two koi ponds this weekend but the 30 lbs is no problem if someone wants to p/u or i work in doraville could bring with me let me now you have my #. sal
Just a small point, make sure your friend heather is wearing long gloves while doing any maintainace on the tank, I read a long article on WWM or maybe DIYREEF that talked in depth about dangers of reefing, mainly stings and stuff, (vineger and adhesive tape recommended for most) but mentioned that anyone with a low imune system (such as a cancer patient) could suffer serious infection from the bacteria found in the tank, entering the body through tiny scratches in the skin, or even easier through secondary contact by rubbing the eyes or mouth with a hand infected with tank bacteria. I know personally I've been covered in tank water from misc. mishaps over the years. Chemo zaps the imune system, and it can take years to recover from that, it'd be terrible to compound the situation with a nasty bacterial infection. Best wishes to your friend Heather! Dakota
We finally made the transfer about a month ago, and the tank is really looking awesome! All the coral are flourishing, and the T5 lighting is gorgeous. I will snap a few pictures of the tank next time I'm over there, but here are some pics from the move:

It involved a LOT of buckets:" alt="" />

Filling up the new tank:
[IMG]" alt="" />

[IMG] alt="" />

The monster LTA in his own bucket:" alt="" />

A filled, but cloudy tank:
[IMG]" alt="" />

Again, I'll take a few more pics of the completed tank soon. All of your generosity has been exceedingly appreciated. Heather has a few things she still needs:

1) Refractometer - the hydrometer she has now is cheap and hardly working. It's also not nearly as accurate, and I won't be around soon to check on the tank's sg when I go off to college.

2) Sea Hare - she'd love to even just borrow one for a while, as there's a bit of hair algae that needs to be kept in check. Does anyone have one that wouldn't mind having a vacation in Heather's tank?

3) LED lighting - although the T5 lights are very nice, her family misses having "moon lighting" at night. Does anyone know the best place to get LEDs--either in a rope or as an individual?

Thanks again!
- Heather and Kayla
I'm looking to add some LED lighting to my tank as well. If someone could direct me to some inexpensive LED's, I could possibly get a second set."></a>=

Works very good for me.
Ok, I've found the site:"></a>

I'm going to order two of the blue 3 LED fixtures and a transformer. I'd be happy to contribute to your project. Just let me know which fixtures you'd like and how many.