Fish Store More closing sale

There is a tremendous difference in the way retail tanks and warehouse tanks are lit. There is an even greater difference between the way a warehouse and a retail store is lit.

Zanski, get that ridiculous chip off your shoulder and get out the arguement you don't have enough experience to be in.

It's great that you're the all knowing reef expert that doesn't need help from anyone, but for most of the people in the hobby, a LFS is a great resource and asset.
DannyBradley;84772 wrote: There is a tremendous difference in the way retail tanks and warehouse tanks are lit. There is an even greater difference between the way a warehouse and a retail store is lit.

Zanski, get that ridiculous chip off your shoulder and get out the arguement you don't have enough experience to be in.

It's great that you're the all knowing reef expert that doesn't need help from anyone, but for most of the people in the hobby, a LFS is a great resource and asset.

Hey buddy why dont you chill out and get over yourself. Learn to take a joke. :lol2: Last time I checked these were discussion forums, if you really have a problem send me a pm and we will talk. Dont call me out in the thread after I was just making a simple joke.:shades:
You have an interesting sense of humor.

Zanski;84770 wrote: You right Online stores dont use water or power keep their things alive, They just throw them on the shelves and hope! Im glad to hear that when I pay 40 bucks for a Ph that $25 of it goes to the water and power bills lol!

Why would I take sarcasm at my expense lightly? How about I just discredit myself and then laugh at myself? That way you won't have to take the time to, and then have to come back with, 'it's only a joke!' as a defense. I only 'called you out' in respose to your statement.
DannyBradley;84778 wrote: You have an interesting sense of humor.

Why would I take sarcasm at my expense lightly? How about I just discredit myself and then laugh at myself? That way you won't have to take the time to, oand then have to come back with, 'it's only a joke!' as a defense.

Good Idea dude! haha, stick and stones, just relax brother.
Ok, it's taken me forever to read through all these posts.. both sides of which I can see points on-

My 2 cents-
I personally hate to see FS&M close.. They were the ones that started us out on wanting to get into SW.

I hate paying the prices in most LFS, but I feel like after I've had them test my water umpteen times a week, they deserve to get something back- my business.

Now, even though I try to buy my fishes at the local places, I'm no dummy. I will check plenty of stores before I buy. I'm not going to go in the first place and drop 60 bucks on 3 zoa polyps! I personally dont' buy from CBay because I think they are way expensive, but I've seen there selection plenty of times, and their quality is usually outstanding! ** If only LFS pricematched :) like Lowe's**
I am very sorry to see FS&M close.

When I used to work in that area before 2001, I would stop there during lunch and ask lots of questions. Nearly all of the advice I received there was reliable and trustworthy. I also loved looking at and buying their livestock!

While the growth of on-line forums and e-articles/magazines allowed me to get more and more of my info electronically, I still love going to LFSs to see what new and interesting livestock they have for sale.

I only buy fish from LFSs. I want to see them eat and look them over carefully before I buy. You cannot do this with an e-tailer.

I wish Greg and Diane well as well as all of the employees there well. I am glad to see that Porter has already landed a job! :)

I will miss FS&M.

Just remember guys, other people who have interest in joining the ARC see a lot of this bickering going on and can turn them away. This is a club not a bash and hate on each other forum! I can see alot of good points here and some funny jokes as well. But all jokes a side, We need to help each other as a club and not criticize each other for their opinions. Thats just my opinion!
Lifestudent;84794 wrote:
I only buy fish from LFSs. I want to see them eat and look them over carefully before I buy. You cannot do this with an e-tailer.

I agree! I wanted this awesome looking CB shrimp the other day, but I didn't want him picking on my fish.. So I was able to stand there and watch till he got near the fish in there with him... I stood there for 20 minutes!! But, sure enough, as soon as one of the little guys swam by, he lunged at them! And then eventually did that to anything that came near him!! I would have hated to get THAT guy in a UPS box!!
Just to chime in briefly, I managed a fish store in Athens a few years back when I was in college. The typical markup was 300% minimum. If anyone tells you otherwise, they're lying. I have a buddy who owns a lfs and lets me go to Sunpet, a local wholesaler, and pick out my fish. I laugh when I see a really nice fish, priced well(example: a really nice flasher wrasse for $25) and then go to a lfs and see it priced well over $100. Trust me, it happens. LFS do have something to offer, but fish from the reputable e-tailers are often more healthy. Who's better at maintaining fish, a highschool kid or a guy with a marine biology degree. The e-tailers have a lot higher success rate with there stock because they have more qualified people caring for them, thus having a lower death rate, and ultimately a lower price.
A degree in marine biology is only worth about $14/hour right now. Second, it's not a degree in captive husbandry techniques. A marine biologist could tell you about the life cycle of a jellyfish, but let's see one build a better protein skimmer.

I started this as a high school kid and I have had a very high success rate with just about every project I've attempted. It's hard to teach work ethics, diligence, responsibility, and passion in school.

It's also not our place to judge a store on their markup. If they feel their inventory is worth that, it's up to them to convince us of it. They're not ripping us off if we're willing to pay that at the time we spend it.

A side note on dry goods and their markups - Individual stores do not receive the same wholesale discount that large chain stores do. They're using a standard industry markup on the price they pay. If they're selling it for the same price as a big box store, it's the big box store that actually has a higher markup. Case and point - when Marineland released Betta Spheres, I could walk next door to Walmart and buy one for less than I could from my distributor, and theirs actually came with gravel, food, and water conditioner. It just didn't say Marineland.
flinster;84804 wrote: Just to chime in briefly, I managed a fish store in Athens a few years back when I was in college. The typical markup was 300% minimum. If anyone tells you otherwise, they're lying. I have a buddy who owns a lfs and lets me go to Sunpet, a local wholesaler, and pick out my fish. I laugh when I see a really nice fish, priced well(example: a really nice flasher wrasse for $25) and then go to a lfs and see it priced well over $100. Trust me, it happens. LFS do have something to offer, but fish from the reputable e-tailers are often more healthy. Who's better at maintaining fish, a highschool kid or a guy with a marine biology degree. The e-tailers have a lot higher success rate with there stock because they have more qualified people caring for them, thus having a lower death rate, and ultimately a lower price.

Lots of good point hear.

I would like to ask a question related with this topic to all who read this.
<span style="color: black;">Maybe this should be a separate poll question. I guess my main interest is the future of this hobby. I was drawn in to this hobby by a LFS. I would like to Know, how/why are people entering the hobby nowadays. </span>

<span style="color: blue;">Where did you see the first Reef tank that got you started in this </span>
<span style="color: blue;">hobby?</span>

<span style="color: black;">LFS, 1989, Pieces Pets</span>
A 55 gallon BB reef at a customer of Petland's house. Still one of the healthiest reef tanks I've ever seen. I've had tanks for 13 years, though.
I gotta chime in, y'all...

I haven't read through the whole thread yet... page 3 of 5... and most of it is slamming the local fish stores.

I am new to the hobby... I've been involved with maintaining and around saltwater tanks for four years, my brother maintained one for me for a couple years, and now I have my own first tank.

The guys in the fish stores have been great sources of information... which is something I haven't found from an online store. I can tell them, "here's what I've got, and here's my water, what's the next best choice?" and receive real advice.

Sure, some guys will try to sell you anything, but that's why you ask multiple people.

Bobby at Cappucino Bay, Greg at Optimum Aquarium, Kevin and Patrick at Marine Fish have earned my respect... they know their stuff, and yes, different people have different opinions... just like here.

They have also all steered me away from buying things that I don't need.

Commerce is changing. That's a true fact... but there will always be a need for a local place to go shop for things... and that includes saltwater stuff.

Anyway, that's just my 2¢ worth....
To Porter...

There are few experiences in life as tragic as having to manage the demise of a business. I've had to do it before, and you have my complete sympathy.

For those who have never had the displeasure of having to do this, between the emotional loss, the physical, mental and financial investment over a long period of time and the financial hit... the pain and impact of a divorce or the death of a close relative do not compare to the severity and long-lasting nature of this kind of pain.

The loss is made more tragic when it's made public, and is well known to your peers... SOME of whom will condemn your store in public, talk about a perceived lack of value that you provide, talk abot how much better it is to shop on the internet AND will come into your store to pick over the "deals."

(I said SOME.... not ALL)

As a complete noob and newcomer to the boards, I am surprised to read some of the posts I am reading.... posts by the same people whose very sane and reasonable posts I've read in other discussions here.

In person vs. Online? There's pros and cons to both... and the better way will vary from person to person and their needs and knowledge.

Really,this should be an opportunity to celebrate someone who loved the hobby so much to go into it... with their skin in the game.

But then again, I'm a noob... that's just my opinion... I could be wrong.">[IMG]" alt="" /></a>That was beautiful, man!

For real- well said! And welcome to the group!

[IMG]">[IMG]" alt="" /></a>
DannyBradley;84772 wrote:
Zanski, get that ridiculous chip off your shoulder and get out the arguement you don't have enough experience to be in.

Anyways... since this is quickly becoming the thread of the week, I'll chime in!

I'm actually sad to see this LFS close down or any LFS for that matter. I only visited the store once since its relatively far from me, but I liked what I saw. The fish selection was nice and that indoor pond was very cool. I only bought some a few clean up crew members, but the staff there was very friendly to me. Unlike some people I'm not angry about them having higher costs... its not like they can help it, in fact their business model demands it.

I hope this closing isn't a trend that continues, as many of these stores are just fun to visit as well. I love just window shopping at CBA, like my wife does at the mall, although Bobby always gives me evil looks... Oh well, at least Deb is a sweetie :). I just hope the LFS figure out a way to stay in business as it would hurt us not to have them around. Unfortunately, there are many ARC members, myself included that make pretty poor LFS customers. Some people in this thread are down right bitter about it though, chillax people! That being said, I still buy things local but ALL my big ticket items are still bought online...
It is simple, internet has opened the visibility of the average consumer. One can compare prices, options and shop for a better deal without moving out of his/her chair. It is good for the customer, if the retailers can't adapt it is a bad thing for them. Take any large retailer, they have the online option, online gets you a larger consumer base, larger consumer base means you can afford to hold large number of products and have less holding cost, increase your total sales, thereby afford to reduce your profit margin and still come out high on total profit.... atleast for dry goods.... It is all about customer service, anyone who had to deal with LiveAquaria would tell you why they are doing so well.... I have to spend 45mins at FS&M explaining to them why they need to refund my money(or atleast give me store credit) with a dead fish still in the same fastened bag, just two hours after I bought it.... while I had a full refund including shipping from LiveAquaria for a fish that didn't eat after 14days in my tank which eventually died of starvation. Yes I wouldn't mind paying 65bucks for a yellow tang if I can have a peace of mind.
All value for advice is all bologne, you can get a million advice and make up your mind in the gazillion forums out on the internet. Give as many option as you can for the consumer, keep the prices competative, not just on retail level but on the global level, it is a shrinking world... if you can't do it more and more stores will leave the local customers without that additional option... Everyone loses here....
It seems to me that people are willing to drive a decent amount to go to a good lfs. One thing that we have a luxury of here in Atlanta is land. The is a ton of land available. Some areas are cheaper than others (buckhead!). All businesses have to price their items in accordance with their overhead. If they are located in an area with ridiculously high overhead, then they should move. I don't see you can't move to a different part of town, save tens of thousands of dollars in rent, and lower your pricing and still make a killing!

Most people don't think twice about buying a 20 oz coke from a gas station, etc., or a drink at a baseball game. You can buy a 2 liter coke for 99 cents at almost any grocery store. Yet, you will hardly here anyone complain and abstain from paying the ridiculously high price for the small coke. You are paying for convinience. If you like getting a fish when you want it, like being able to see it first, then buy from a lfs. If you don't care for these things, buy online. I don't think it's fair to bash one or the other. We all have our reasons for why we shop where we do; it doesn't make one right and the other wrong.

btw, does anyone know what the markup on a fountain drink is? how about coffee?