..haha.. I can tell.. but I do appreciate your genuine interest...
I really can't tell you. I can tell you that if you read the thread some more, you'll see that the corals have been slowly deteriorating for some time.. so quite honestly, I'm not surprised by the coral death.
As far as the golden damsel.. it pretty much always hid. I was REALLY encouraged last night because it was out and swimming around freely. I mean, really visible.. there really were no signs of stress..
however, I DID start dosing less prime and stability, so, maybe I dosed too little and the golden finally succumed to the ammonia.
Right now, as far as I know, the blue is the only living thing left in the tank.. because apparently there's obviously no BB living in there...
is is possible that the ammonia is just too high for BB to develop??
anyway.. I'm running 02 and will just keep running 02 so there's plenty of oxygen. I noticed, however, when I lift the hood that the water surface is really frothy.. almost like a protein skimmer.. the bubbles are not eternal, but they are long lasting.
I just pray to see some sort of cycle start here soon... as long as that happens, I'll be good to go.. but so far.. nothing. I'm baffled. Any way I can naturally add more BB to what apparently seems to be a water column with plenty of available (locked and free) ammonia for it to consume? I mean.. I'll try anything. I'll stand there and breathe on it if I have to. maybe sing it a song?
Also, jenn.. maybe it's something, maybe it's nothing.. but I took my filter pad out this evening from my HOB filter. It was disgusting. It was also ripped so some of the carbon was falling out. It was really gross and wasn't rinsing clean, so I scrapped it. Right now my HOB just has the spongy mechanical filter 'pad' in it.
Maybe that's something??