So my purple anthias eat through osmosis

Yep, I held my breath for the whole treatment, but I have sued it in my display twice. The only thing it is presumed to be harmful for is fanworms, but my christmas tree rock did not suffer at all.

Personally, I FW dip all my fish coming in, and if I see anything that looks like a fluke (or a species that is known to have internal flukes or worms), I treat. Prazipro is safe if used as directed, but can be overdosed. Just follow the directions, and you should be fine. I think SWC had it, but I havent been there in a while.
Derek_S;260795 wrote: You can run it in the DT? Wow, that is good to know. I looked for some at 2 stores but did not see it. I need to get some before these guys are released into the DT.

Jeremy, would you usually recommend treating every new fish with it? Or just problematic ones (anthias?)

But, I wouold treat anthias (especially deep water ones), and all angels, whether I saw something or not. Too many of these fish are dying mysteriously, and it is now be found out that flukes and worms are causing a lot of problems.
I found some in the half off bin at pets unlimited. BTW, did you get my PM about them and their interest in sponsorship?
Derek_S;260861 wrote: I found some in the half off bin at pets unlimited. BTW, did you get my PM about them and their interest in sponsorship?
Yeah, I have to forward that to mufret. Re: the prazip[ro, just follow the directions. It'll be fine, and youll have peace of mind.
jmaneyapanda;260768 wrote: I have used it in the display before. You need to run a lot of carbon and skimmer does go nuts afterwards. I never saw any effect on anything, though. I use it in quarantine now. Do you have an ATO? If the skimmer pulled out a ton of saltwater,a nd it got replaced with fresh, the salinity mightve nosedived and caused the issue with the SPS.

No, I don't have ATO. I do have a pitcher:) Anyway, salienty is 1.026. Without a doubt, it was the prazipro. My tank is a 120 with 20-30 gal sump and I only dosed 1 unit/10 gal for the 120, so technically I underdosed it. It only affected my tubs and pink birdnest. All others are fine. Right now, both are showing polyps again. Coloring on both are very pale but turning tanish.

I dosed prazipro a few days ago with no problems.

The Queens are still eating cyclopeeze and picking at frozen brine and live brine. I still believe they are only interested in the smaller bits of food. I have been adding adult live brine in, but still no agressive feeding response.

They are also still very wary of my approach to the tank. I have begun being a little more visible, and hopefully thay will get more used to me.
They are still doing very well. They even eat a little frozen brine and arctic pods. They seem to pick at anything I put in, they just arent aggressive eaters. I am considering getting 4 more to add to these to continue my research....
Update again...

One died. Def. starvation, as she was loosing lots of muscle mass in the end. It quit eating a couple weks ago, if it was really even eating to begin with. It was the most shy of the two.

The other one though is a survivor. It seems to be very healthy still. I dont really see it eat too often, but it is constanty 'ghost eating'. I think maybe it is feeding on just suspended stuff in the column or perhaps some kind of pod/mysid that I dont see.

I did do something interesting. I added several pepermint shrimp to mhy fuge for cleanup as teh fish are in there, and they seem to spawn/carry eggs often. I am wondering if the anthias is benefiting from this, and eating up all the larvae. If so, that of course makes me wonder if one could put a good number of shrimp that will spawn (peps and cleaners) in a tank, and presuambly create enough living food to supplenment the anthias' feeding. Just a tought.
Derek_S;283450 wrote: Update again...

One died. Def. starvation, as she was loosing lots of muscle mass in the end. It quit eating a couple weks ago, if it was really even eating to begin with. It was the most shy of the two.

The other one though is a survivor. It seems to be very healthy still. I dont really see it eat too often, but it is constanty 'ghost eating'. I think maybe it is feeding on just suspended stuff in the column or perhaps some kind of pod/mysid that I dont see.

I did do something interesting. I added several pepermint shrimp to mhy fuge for cleanup as teh fish are in there, and they seem to spawn/carry eggs often. I am wondering if the anthias is benefiting from this, and eating up all the larvae. If so, that of course makes me wonder if one could put a good number of shrimp that will spawn (peps and cleaners) in a tank, and presuambly create enough living food to supplenment the anthias' feeding. Just a tought.

I currently have about 14 cleaners and probably like 50 pepps in my display, for obvious reasons, but also, for this very purpose. Bear in mind, if sutainance is your goal, you'll need a LOT of shrimp.