Vics CD 180G Peninsula

I sometimes miss having a bigger tank... and then I put off work on my 50 gal and remember why I downsized. The tanks are looking great man.
Added a bunch of frags this year, can’t wait until they grow out.
I start all my frags off on the sand bed, then stage them around the tank while I decide where I want them and also slowly moving them into higher PAR positions.
I really like your aquascape. I want to find some shelf rock to do something similar in my next tank.
Are they pretty sensitive if I cut the foot up? Going to be my first time. Really hate how it got on this rock. I had it on the sandbed and some how it got blown up on this rock and spread like wild flower.
In my experience with yumas they are darn near invincible.
Busy night on the reef. Sorry for all the post. Just chilling enjoying the tank and thought I’d share. Also, not sure how in this past year I have acquired almost 40 different acros 😂
Please share! I love seeing what other reefers are doing. Gives me ideas to copy.