Vodka, Vinegar, Sugar (Carbon) Dosing info

I have not read the article yet, but have it bookmarked to read, but is this a zeo-type method? I have no clue what exactly what all zeo entails but have seen the systems and am curious if this is a similar thing to it.
Do you still have a refugium setup or does this make it impossible/obselete?
yup! 2 fuges (1 for pods), skimmer, sump, and I even use carbon & gfo. Live rock & Sand.
I would like updates.

I am buying vodka today. Maybe to dose, maybe to drink. I am undecided.

What brand did you buy? Will 3-5x distilled be best?
Derek_S;275973 wrote: I would like updates.

I am buying vodka today. Maybe to dose, maybe to drink. I am undecided.

What brand did you buy? Will 3-5x distilled be best?

I bought the cheapest vodka I could find. I used mccormick's quadruple distilled, sugar, and kroger white distilled vinegar. I followed glass box designs recipe all the way.

I am only using .4ml now. I am going to stay with adding .1ml every 3-4 days.

My filter sock turns a dark black and gets clogged in two days now. I have one of those fine mesh filter socks, not the normal ones. It used to take 2 weeks to clog that filter sock. And, my skimmers skimmate is a black nasty mush.:yuk:

Some other observations...

Yesterday was the first day in months that I did not need to clean my glass, and this morning it still looks clean.:thumbs:

My corals are growing at the same rate they were before dosing, but I am also not feeding any more than normal...yet.

I still have very little hair algae, and alot of cyano, but I didnt expect VSV to kill off the cyano.

I have noticed I need to keep a good eye on my skimmer, because it has gone nuts and overflowed all over my floor twice since starting (coincidence, maybe???). That has made me want to upgrade tanks since I don't have enough room for a big enough sump to hold my skimmer.

Hope that helps
Great info.

I do not currently run a filter sock, so I might need one to collect the initial poo. I hate cleaning them since my drain is behind my massive skimmer, and barely accessible.

I am still hesitant to do the VSV. I read">this</a> article on stricly vodka dosing, and the VSV one. I kinda like only adding one thing at a time, at least at first. I also am waiting until I get my ELOS kits to be sure I even need to dose. But I have my suspicions.

Are you planning on adding the bioDigest that VSV recommends?
Yes. I forgot to mention. I have my biodigest coming in the mail today. So my first dose of that will be today.

I also have eliminated my my phosban reactor.
just a couple of more interesting (or not) threads on the subject."></a>

As an update My chaeto seems to have stopped growing, and my filter sock has finally stopped clogging in two days. Skimmer is still skimming away. I am at .5ml now on a 46 G tank. My birdsnests are growing rewally fast now, and I mean really fast. Jin hooked me up with a small frag of birdsnest last week and it has already doubled in size.
Are you kidding me? What kind of birdsnest?

I have been dosing 5 ml for 3 days now on my system that I estimated at 125 net gallons. Skimmate looks possible darker, but hard to be sure.

I have not noticed much change otherwise. I am waiting for my elos kits before upping the dose too much, since I do not really know what my NO3 and PO4 levels are.

I did quit running GFO yesterday. I will not run it again until I get the kits, as well.
Derek_S;277899 wrote: Are you kidding me? What kind of birdsnest?

I have been dosing 5 ml for 3 days now on my system that I estimated at 125 net gallons. Skimmate looks possible darker, but hard to be sure.

I have not noticed much change otherwise. I am waiting for my elos kits before upping the dose too much, since I do not really know what my NO3 and PO4 levels are.

I did quit running GFO yesterday. I will not run it again until I get the kits, as well.

I would stay at that level for a couple of weeks. don't raise it until you get the kits, even then, very slowly.
Yeah I am waiting to get some kits before I raise it any more, plus I think I am going to upgrade to a 90G tank. I kid you not. My skimmate is black. Used to be a dark brown.

I am not sure what kind of birdsnest it is...some variation of Pink. I forgot. It is a little darker and a little thicker than my ORA pink birdsnest, and it has purple polyps.

Anyway, it started out looking liker a Y and now it looks like a fork with numerous little nubs getting ready to grow out.

I do not think it is just the VSV dosing I just think it is a fast grower, and my tank is staying pretty stable according to API kits. I am waiting to get Elos soon...

and for the record I am at .5ml on about 50G total volume, not 5ml. That seems a little steep if your just starting.