Vodka, Vinegar, Sugar (Carbon) Dosing info

another observation. I only had a little bit of green hair algae, but it is almost completly gone now.

The only bad thing I have seen is a little bit more cyano starting to grow. This stuff is indescructable (cyano).
I wouldnt care if it wasnt on my sand bed. I don't mind it on the rocks because I can blow it off, but the sand bed makes me really mad.
Rostato, I added a plethera od nassarius snails (thanks Einsteins) to my tank, and the cyano has diminished greatly.

I finally got ahold of some elos test kits and a photometer the other day. Looks like my PO4 is .15, and my NO3 is 25-50ppm.

I made a batch of the VSV solution to glassbox design's specs, and started dosing it Monday instead of just the vodka/ethanol. Also on Monday I added one vial of Biodigest (thanks Saltwater City) and will continue to do so as recommended.

I was really surprised to see my readings so high, since I do not feel like I overfeed, I have very little nuisance algaes, and my macros do not really grow..

The one thing the VSV article did not outline was a dose increase schedule. It recommended you start at .1-.5 ml per 25 gal, but that was it.

What schedule are you guys using for dosage increases?
From the little bit of dosing I have done (without testing) I am just going slow watching my tank. I am home quit a bit, so I know how everything in my tank behaves, and I can catch anything odd if it does happen.

But I started out with .2 on a 50G volume syatem with the same VSV that you are doing now.

I would stay with .1ml per 25G and increse as you see fit. I did the .2ml for 5 or so days and then bumped it up to .4, and waited another 3-4 days and went to .5ml and have stayed there because I am waiting for my elos kits to get here.

I am still noticeing a BUNCH of black gum in my filter sock everyday and my skimmer is a dark black also, so I know it is working. I just need to wait for my kits to proceed further.

From what I read your supposed to double your dose weekly untill to get 0 readings and then cut that dose in half as your daily maintenance dose.

Me personally, I would just add .1 ml per 25 gal every 3-4 days and go slow. That is what I will be doing when I get my kit. Once you get that 0 reading then cut the dose in half, keep testing and adjust accordingly.

I beleive I will be upgrading tanks here in the next few weeks, and will have to start all over again, which kinda stinks because I would love tomake my tank a complete success story. But we'll see with thte next tank.

I also dosed my first vial of biodigest. I cannot say I have seen (with my eyes) anything different, but I like the concept of trying not to get a monoculture growing.
I dont run a filter sock (maybe I should) but I have noticed the skimmer being yucky.

So, do you think the results of a carbon dose are noticeable within hours/days of the dose?

For examole, if I overdose (say I pour 50ml in my tank) how long will it take before I see a bacterial bloom? Minutes? Days?

I ask, because I wonder how long it would take to notice an overdose condition. If it only takes a few minutes or hours, I would think you could even increase on a daily basis, if you desired to.

Either way, thanks for the help, and I am glad to hear everything is working out for you. I look forward to seeing what your tests read.
Just as another note, I am not running GFO or activated carbon currently. I have both sitting here, and use to run it 24/7. I quit shortly before beginning my carbon dosing. I am hesitant to restart either until I see the carbon dosing start to work, but I may do it since my readings are so high. I'm not sure, so any input is appreciated.

I also added another refugium to my system. I have 3 parts now on one system. The DT is lit for 8 hours, Refugium 1 (cheato) is lit of 8 hours, and Fuge 2 (mangroves) is lit 8 hours. I'm not sure if this is doing much for me since I just switched to this, but we will see.
I stopped running GFO also right before I started dosing too. I am still running carbon on the outlet of my skimmer though, and I kneed it every two days.

It took about a day or two for me to notice the gum starting in my filter sock. I would be willing to bet if you threw 50ml in your tank you would see the crash fairly quick. The point of going slow is so that you won't crash out the system.

I would recomend using a filter sock. It has caught so much nasty stuff since dosing that I wonder where it would have gone without it.
updated recipe that I will most likely be using:

<span style="font-family: Verdana">To mysterybox...

90% vodka 10% vinegar are good to lighten and reducing zooxanthelas coral...

Glucose is better than sugar for giving colour contrast and feeding ...

the last recipe working our friend Genetics...

Vodka - 90% 900mL

Vinegar - 10% 100mL (higher levels lead to macro die-off, much like you mentioned in your testing) I haven't figured this out in ppm yet as this would be the most useful number.

6tblspn sugar - Better results using glucose/dextrose, and you can increase glucose levels further by 2x or more to get pastel colors. Table sugar will actually darken your corals and is why you should use less.

Vitamin C - You can add quite a bit. A 1/4tsp for 200g is more than enough daily unless treating a specific infection. And you may want to add this to prepared food instead of VSVcV formula.
End of the recipe...

If you use too Iron from Kent Marine (containing Iron, manganese, zinc, potassium).

You have a home made ULNS system...

You might add zeolithes stones withouth reactor in a hang filter ( each week adding a little amount until 800 grs-100 gallons, flow 200-300 L/h)

and then you have a very cheap DIY ultra low nutrients system.</span>
<span style="font-family: Verdana">Hobby Experience:</span></em><span style="font-family: Verdana"> 0

<span style="font-family: Verdana">Last edited by Jk5 on 02/21/2009 at 12:03 PM</span></em><span style="font-family: Verdana"></span>
Good info. I am debating on wether or not to go with the VSV again in my 90. I saw some good results in my 46, but I am waiting for this tank to settle down a bit. I am going to run phosban again, and keep the phosphates in check with my new colorwheel!!!
Well at almost 3 years of carbon dosing AZ-NO3, I'm finally started the trek to vodka. I started yesterday at 10 ml of AZ-NO3 & 2.5 ml of vodka. Before I was dosing 15ml of AZ-NO3.
I picked Vodka instead of VSV, because I saw Randy post his reason of choosing just Vodka, Less Slime. I'm sick of slime! Oh, well. LOL! My nitrates don't get above 0.5 or so.
mysterybox;322293 wrote: Well at almost 3 years of carbon dosing AZ-NO3, I'm finally started the trek to vodka. I started yesterday at 10 ml of AZ-NO3 & 2.5 ml of vodka. Before I was dosing 15ml of AZ-NO3.
I picked Vodka instead of VSV, because I saw Randy post his reason of choosing just Vodka, Less Slime. I'm sick of slime! Oh, well. LOL! My nitrates don't get above 0.5 or so.

Ralph, by 'slime' are you referring to cyanobacteria? I have recently started dosing vodka. I am having a bit of a cyano outbreak that is hopefully on its way out. The cyano is not the reason I am vodka-dosing, btw.
No, unfortunately, Vodka does little to control cyno. I've found that great flow with power heads that move the surface of the sand from time to time works pretty good.

Slime is the clear slime that will eventually coat everything in your tank, including pumps, hoses, sumps, skimmer, (and coral if u don't have great flow). It's like a mucus coating on eveything where it can attach too. One of the negatives of carbon dosing. At least it's clear, hard to notice. Cleans easily. Could be worst, like algae! That's if u didn't dose that is.
Thanks for the clarification. :) As a side, I went to the liquor store the other night to get some good tequila for a friend as a gift. I took the $$$ bottle to the counter and then asked the salesperson for the cheapest bottle of non-flavored vodka he had. He wanted to know why I was spending so much on tequlia but skimping on vodka. I tried to tell him it was going in my tank. I don't think he bought it though. :D
stacy22;322363 wrote: Thanks for the clarification. :) As a side, I went to the liquor store the other night to get some good tequila for a friend as a gift. I took the $$$ bottle to the counter and then asked the salesperson for the cheapest bottle of non-flavored vodka he had. He wanted to know why I was spending so much on tequlia but skimping on vodka. I tried to tell him it was going in my tank. I don't think he bought it though. :D

same thing here! I bought a nice ripasso, and then asked my wine guy where the cheapest vodka was.................LOL! Mr. Boston for me.
mysterybox;294873 wrote: updated recipe that I will most likely be using:

<span style="font-family: Verdana">To mysterybox...</span>

<span style="font-family: Verdana">90% vodka 10% vinegar are good to lighten and reducing zooxanthelas coral...</span>

<span style="font-family: Verdana">Glucose is better than sugar for giving colour contrast and feeding ...</span>

<span style="font-family: Verdana">Vodka - 90% 900mL</span>

<span style="font-family: Verdana">Vinegar - 10% 100mL (higher levels lead to macro die-off, much like you mentioned in your testing) I haven't figured this out in ppm yet as this would be the most useful number.</span>

<span style="font-family: Verdana">6tblspn sugar - Better results using glucose/dextrose, and you can increase glucose levels further by 2x or more to get pastel colors. Table sugar will actually darken your corals and is why you should use less.</span>

<span style="font-family: Verdana">Vitamin C - You can add quite a bit. A 1/4tsp for 200g is more than enough daily unless treating a specific infection. And you may want to add this to prepared food instead of VSVcV formula.</span>

I am still on the standard recipe from VSV. I may drop the sugar after reading this. I have seen dextrose at the nutrition store, so maybe I will try that. Table sugar is sucrose and fructose mostly, right?

What does the vitamin c do? I have some, and occasionaly add it to my fish food, but what role does it play in the VSV/ULNS game? I thought it was an organic compound that was easily overdosed in a system...

Lastly, can you link that thread?
Derek_S;322374 wrote: I am still on the standard recipe from VSV. I may drop the sugar after reading this. I have seen dextrose at the nutrition store, so maybe I will try that. Table sugar is sucrose and fructose mostly, right?

What does the vitamin c do? I have some, and occasionaly add it to my fish food, but what role does it play in the VSV/ULNS game? I thought it was an organic compound that was easily overdosed in a system...

Lastly, can you link that thread?

Good questions:thumbs:
Amazing, he has that tank in a sunroom without a lick of algae that I could see. Beautiful.