What did you do to your tank today

pulled this guy out of my tank.
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I cleaned my rocks off.I got off the allegy and bubble allgey. i took out my fish first. My daddy helped me do it. We changed my overflow like the one on Jeens tank at amagine ocean. Then we changed 5 gallens of water.
Counted my snails and crabs to make sure they were still alive after 4 days away. Need to do some cleanup this afternoon when I get home.

Hey, I don't have anything else to count!
Well after frm getting home from 14 hours at work.....I walked right past it...sorry tank
today i feed the fish, and moved some rock around in my fragtank/fuge.
I like the purple and orange ones

acpoweradapter;663813 wrote: Took some pictures. Here are 4 of my favorite from the new zoas. I don't know names, but I have a list of names, but I'm not worried.

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Water change with just RODI to try to bring the salinity back down....frag some corals and cleaned up the glass
Made use of my daughter's small hands last night to retrieve a hermit that had crawled into the BioCube's chamber number 3. Cleaned around the sand line with a tooth brush. Stirred up a bunch of the brown gunk sitting on the sand bed.
Updated my RKE and modules to the latest firmware and got the net module setup. Gotta do some last minute housekeeping today. Going to be on vacation next week and want to keep things as simple as possible for my mom to look after.
Filled up my ATO with water. I can only fit a 1.5 Gallon container in the stand, so I have to do this like every other day...

I played find the new mushroom. I added acouple of new ones to my tank yesterday and one decide to move inside of a crack between two pieces of rock. It took 10 minutes to find the thing and this is in a 2 gallon pico reef.
Started moving over one of my tanks to the new one. LED's all fired up and working great. Have not moved any SPS yet so that'll be the real test.
stopped a flood my u tube got filled with hair algae from neglect and the return kept going pumping water luckily i was hope and it only spilled a cup or two of water

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Nuked another aptasia. 3 in the one month the tank has been up. Hooray. Scrubbed the glass down. Hmm, 3 aptasia in one month and 3 crabs molting in one week. Is this normal :)?