What did you do to your tank today

Hung a brand-spankin' new LED fixture over my 30g NeoNano. Pics will come, I promise... the color balance on my camera is having issues with it so I'll have to figure out doing it manually.
Small water change on my 95 gallon tank. Mounted a red monti frag. Dosed both of my tanks for calcium and alk. Oh and water change on my QT tank...not that I'm using it atm.

Next up is to clean out my water storage tank and prep another batch of SW.
mysterybox;674207 wrote: did my quarterly chemi-clean dose today.....no red slime here!

I got you now Ralph, been waiting on this one lol


Edit: post number 12 lmao, I'm just messin with ya its late lol
yes, since then I actually re-investigated again......I seriously spent hours at various sites, and spoke with Randy Holmes-Farley (email), and a number of reefers here to come to the conclusion that is is safe as look as used as exactly as directed and monitored closely...right after that post I started investigating....It's done wonders for my tank....That's not the first time I've done a 180....

Edit: looking at my records, September 17, 2010 was my first time dosing...
well glad I posted that then, I've used it by the book and always had good results.
I havent used it on my newer tank though. I do have a little bit but it kinda snuffs out that strange turf algae I have so I let it be.
Good luck with it Ralph.
mysterybox;674222 wrote: 4 times a year is now in my regimen......

This decision is based on the feedback and info from the pros? When you get some time pm me some of that info if you would, I'm curious to hear what they had to say about it.
No, I talked to many reefers and realized chemi-clean can be safe for cyno...I now incorporate it in my regimen along with vodka dosing (6 times weekly), gfo and carbon (change every 10 days or so), and 30 percent water changes with Salinty every 10 days or so.
This allows me to feed my fish, corals, inverts, a massive amount of food...
I don't use it on a schedule, but I've used it 3 different times on 2 different tanks when cyano popped up, and no issues at all... unless you count an uncontrollable skimmer until after the required water change.
cr500_af;674231 wrote: I don't use it on a schedule, but I've used it 3 different times on 2 different tanks when cyano popped up, and no issues at all... unless you count an uncontrollable skimmer until after the required water change.

Someone didn't read all the directions :lol2:
Woke up unexpectedly today to a strange, but not good sounding noise.... whirrrrr.. chunka...chug...chunka...whirrrrrrrrrrrrr...gurgle...whirrrrrrrrrrrrr... **** What's wrong this time?

So I rush to my living room at 2 AM and only one thing in the area... My 36G bowfront, 20g sump, and 10G QT.

What the &$^%? Floor is moist around the tank, but no puddling, and I just did a water change yesterday! Best to wake up and take a closer look. More confusion. Why would the hardwood be warping here ???????

After inspection with a flashlight, I find my 20G sump is EMPTY! $#%$!
Off to the basement! As I step onto the soaked and mushy carpet... I realize of course the water couldn't have just dropped straight down onto the carpet just below it and ruined that (in addition to the hardwood upstairs).... It just had to travel along a floor joist and pour all over the antique coffee table 10 feet away! then onto the carpet!

What did I do to my tank today? I gave it every bad word I could think of!

... and the day is just beginning!
Smallblock;674233 wrote: Someone didn't read all the directions :lol2:

Let me be more specific, since it was late.
I turn skimmers off lilke the directions say. However, on both tanks the skimmers STILL go nuts. I ended up having to leave the skimmer on the 90g off until I had done three 20% changes, otherwise it was impossible to adjust it so that it didn't overflow (rapidly).
It took two water changes to make the 30g behave.
That's the strange part that I'm still trying to figure out. So far, there's no obvious leak, but no water in the sump. I'm out of water right now, so I have to wait until the LFS opens to pick up some to refill.
I can tell that a center baffle had a leak near the bottom of the sump, that allowed nearly all of the sump to empty.... but that still doesn't explain why the water left the sump. I should know more around noon once I can get some more water into the system and run it through like normal. Right now, I have the sump shut down and am draining QT tank.

My tanks are stacked, so to move the cabinet and get to the sump to remove it, I have to remove the top QT tank from the top of the display tank :( Otherwise I fear it would all come crashing down due to weight and stacked height.
Well, I finally figured it out!
A 1/4" airline tube used on an overflow air siphon somehow came untied and fell out of the sump.

This apparently caused a slow and steady stream of water to be pumped out of the overflow box which then obviously found a quick way through the floor. This continued until the sump had run out of water and could no longer fill the top tank.
This tube is now being re-inserted into the sump as a permanent fixture using silicone to prevent it from happening again in the future.

Fortunately the antique table was dried and doesn't appear to have suffered damage. The sump is ok, and only needs a small patch on a baffle, so it should be up and running later tonight. And hopefully the basement carpet will survive since I vacuumed up as much as i could. The only damage is the wood floor right around, and probably under, the tank stand.

And I thought I had the best "No way to overflow" setup! It seems Murphy will always find a way to break something!
Water change. Tested water praam's. Added Vortech MP10es! Starting to get a kick out of hitting the tank with a small light at night to see what comes out at night. Didn't think I had copepod's till I did that!
completely drained my RO water storage tank, scrubbed it, refilled it..

(I didn't realize that I'd left off the circulation pump a week ago and the water got a little smelly in the heat... I thoroughly tested it and had no readings on any of my test kits, but decided to scrap that bunch, anyway..)
tested trates, cal and alk (0, 350, 3.5meq=9.8dkh), changed out the filters in my RO unit, made up 30 gallons for a water change, cleaned my glass on the display, wondered where my female blackice clown was, and found my missing fish about 5 minutes too late behind my tank....