What did you do to your tank today

down and outman;489517 wrote: Nothing like forgetting to keep it topped off, and having the return pump suck air. I figure it's turning my whole tank into a protein skimmer. Amazing how clean the water is after doing that.

Fed the fish and fell asleep on the couch watching my tank and fox news.
Did you get the di canister off without the wrench?
Not yet, been busy after work tonight. Couldn't find my chain wrench either. It's almost due to be changed, still putting out 1 part TDS so it's not the end of the world. Also have 10 gals of water for topping off and just did a WC, so I'm good for a few days. I'll have to make something on my bandsaw to do it.
Left my RO/DI running before I left for work 6 hours ago...:doh:

Luckily I installed an emergency drain last time this happened, so instead of returning home to 30 gallons of water on the floor, it will just drain through a line in the wall to outside...oh well, I was wanting to replace my RO/DI this Spring anyways since I'm probably due for new filters.. :thumbs:
Let's see... cleaned Sandie's glass and moved some ricordea. Changed the pump on her skimmer to hopefully improve it. Filled both ATO reserviors. Worked on the Ca reactor and only have one leak left to fix. Cleaned out the chiller and hoses to have it ready when I need it. Mounted ballasts on the stand, along with two strips, and now don't have a jungle of wires in the floor next to the stand. Fed both anemones and her fish. Dosed calcium.
That's all, and I'm tired.
Water change and lights off. Still doing everything I can to get GHA and cyano in check. Feels like a losing battle sometimes but it's something I've worked through before so I know I can do it again!
I think the first few years of reefkeeping is learning to battle problems.

Took a couple of tries, but I made a filter wrench out of a 2 x 4! DI resin is changed, piece of cake. Also left the RODI on all night. Almost crapped this morning, but my trash can held it all. Got plenty for a while.
I made my Aquapod rimless... while full, I love it here's some quick pics
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Took the day off of work and redid my plumbing on my 95 gallon tank. Moved from a small sump underneath my tank to a 40 gallon breeder in my storage room next to the tank. Also installed a new Reef Octopus protein skimmer.

Now I'm just waiting for the cement to fully cure before firing up the pump.
CockyBrock;490313 wrote: Purchased some new WILD zoanthids from a LFS...and then put them in! :)

Ok ok ok... I am going to have to hold you up right there... See, here at ARC we like... no no we don't... we LOVE pictures. I am willing to cut you a LITTLE slack this time, but next time you want to go and brag about your new coral, or :fish: we are going to need some pictures. So, as soon as they open up, we are going to need you to take a picture of these wild zoas and share the wealth. :D :thumbs: :dance:
Need to ATO...

Picked up a Nerite off the floor and threw him back in the tank like I do every day.
Picked up 2 frags the stupid mexican Turbos knocked over during the night.
Tested Salinity

I am going to run every possible test I have today, haven't needed to in a while but would like to know how all my numbers are looking.
Took my mag rocks off the back wall for a good bleaching. Scraped coraline off the back wall. Mixing up some water for a water change tomorrow. Picking up a new Eibli Angel today.
Just finished doing water changes on the 34 gallon and 72 gallon and changed the carbon in the 34. Everything is looking good.

water change on the 210 and got a new tank , a 480 ,the move is going to be in may , i had to get a house for these baby . i can't wait to star
put 4 pounds of epsom salt in the 55.....i am tired of briopsus algae , i need to get some tech M