What exactly do I do????

JennM;369959 wrote: You can call me if you have more questions: 770-720-0103... although posting it all here is kinda good for anybody else going through the same stuff.

Sorry I've been on and off today - gotta try to do some work too ;)


No problem, just had an urgent question, that you answered!
JennM;369961 wrote: Use the bucket heater for the QT. Some folks eventually turn up the heat a bit in a hospital tank to speed up the life cycle of the ich... 81 or so is as high as my comfort zone goes, but some go a bit higher up to 83 or 84.

How big is the main tank? If you are worried about preparing water for water changes on the main tank... if it's room temp I wouldn't worry about keeping a heater in it. Room temp for most is around 78 this time of year anyway. If it was winter and you kept your water on the front porch, that might be another issue... but we don't heat our water for water changes, and we maintain tons of tanks - as long as you aren't changing a huge volume in a small tank, a small difference in temp from the main tank to the new water is no biggie.


Ok, so I'm gonna go ahead and put the bucket heater in there, see how it goes. My mom broke the thermometer, so I'm gonna have to go grab another one. I don't know how to control the temp on the heater, so I guess I'm gonna have to go with what I can get!
Thanks Jenn! :)
wait a second...


You're parents must be VERY proud of you!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rbredding;369971 wrote: wait a second...


You're parents must be VERY proud of you!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks so much! Means a LOT when people say that to me!! They're proud of me in school, but lemme tell you, I cause havoc in the house!! :)
I know... 11... amazing :) I knew you were young, Radha, but I figured maybe, teenager... so I was addressing you as I would my 17-yr old daughter (or 15 year old son)... I was dumbfounded to find you're 11. I have to say that you are extremely well spoken, and WELL WRITTEN! Sort of restores my faith in today's youth... many your age would be writing in "text speak" (or is it "txt spk"...) You're my new hero!

OK... back to bidnezz... I suppose you can overdose Stability - I wouldn't go too crazy with it, but it's pretty forgiving. The reason I suggested getting it in there with or without the Matrix but ASAP is so it can go to work to help establish a bio filter.

You might find that the clownfish isn't as easy to catch as you think it will be... once they feel like something/someone is coming after them, they can vanish into the rock. IMO that's the worst part of what you need to do - extract the fish from the tank. Many a small fish has reduced a grown man (or woman) to tears because in the end, most of the tank has to be torn up in order to get that crazy fish out. They just don't get that you're trying to help them. If you try a trap or something, every fish except the one you're after will go in... Murphy's Law. Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.

Once you get that part done, (removing the fish) - the rest will be a piece of cake.

And it's not unusual that the symptoms look a bit better/lesser today. That can pose another dilemma... "Do I just leave it be for now, and watch and wait, or proceed with the plan to treat?"

That's a valid question. Based on the photos from yesterday, I would go ahead and treat. Seeing less on the fish just means that those individual parasites have finished feeding and are now busy reproducing, and in a few days or so, you'll have more parasites, and an already compromised fish ripe for the picking - so go ahead and proceed.

Like I said - do keep a close eye on the rest because if the weak fish is removed for treatment, that new generation of parasites is going to look for another opportunity - and there are still 3 more fish to choose from. Their strength/health will determine whether the new crop of ich takes hold or not... so if you see trouble with the other fish, nip it in the bud and get them into the QT.

radha;369974 wrote: ... but lemme tell you, I cause havoc in the house!! :)

You're a kid, that's your job!

Now get to work, young lady - we've talked enough - time to DO!

Keep me posted!

JennM;369979 wrote: I know... 11... amazing :) I knew you were young, Radha, but I figured maybe, teenager... so I was addressing you as I would my 17-yr old daughter (or 15 year old son)... I was dumbfounded to find you're 11. I have to say that you are extremely well spoken, and WELL WRITTEN! Sort of restores my faith in today's youth... many your age would be writing in "text speak" (or is it "txt spk"...) You're my new hero!

OK... back to bidnezz... I suppose you can overdose Stability - I wouldn't go too crazy with it, but it's pretty forgiving. The reason I suggested getting it in there with or without the Matrix but ASAP is so it can go to work to help establish a bio filter.

You might find that the clownfish isn't as easy to catch as you think it will be... once they feel like something/someone is coming after them, they can vanish into the rock. IMO that's the worst part of what you need to do - extract the fish from the tank. Many a small fish has reduced a grown man (or woman) to tears because in the end, most of the tank has to be torn up in order to get that crazy fish out. They just don't get that you're trying to help them. If you try a trap or something, every fish except the one you're after will go in... Murphy's Law. Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.

Once you get that part done, (removing the fish) - the rest will be a piece of cake.

And it's not unusual that the symptoms look a bit better/lesser today. That can pose another dilemma... "Do I just leave it be for now, and watch and wait, or proceed with the plan to treat?"

That's a valid question. Based on the photos from yesterday, I would go ahead and treat. Seeing less on the fish just means that those individual parasites have finished feeding and are now busy reproducing, and in a few days or so, you'll have more parasites, and an already compromised fish ripe for the picking - so go ahead and proceed.

Like I said - do keep a close eye on the rest because if the weak fish is removed for treatment, that new generation of parasites is going to look for another opportunity - and there are still 3 more fish to choose from. Their strength/health will determine whether the new crop of ich takes hold or not... so if you see trouble with the other fish, nip it in the bud and get them into the QT.


AAAWWW! Thanks Jenn! I really appreciate You are my new hero for helping me through this!! Go Jenn! :)

Don't worry, I won't go too crazy on it, I was just wondering if I could put some in the tank right now, then go to the store, get the matrix!

30 minutes later....

I'm home! I got the stuff, and I got an ammonia test kit. Ok, Jenn, now tell me about the water quality. You said you would tell me later, and I'm ready when you are! :) I'm about to soak up a bunch of info!
Thanks everyone for the compliments, and Jenn for helping me out!! :)
JennM;369982 wrote: You're a kid, that's your job!

Now get to work, young lady - we've talked enough - time to DO!

Keep me posted!


Meh. I'm soooo tired. Not even funny! 11 year olds aren't supposed to have bags!! AAAHHH!!! :)
Gonna go do the matrix right now. I'm not even eating dinner!
I'm done for the day! Gonna let the tank cycle, and what not, tommorow is gonna be EXTREMELY busy. I'm gonna go vegitate in my TV room now, and ask myself "why did I get into this hobby again?" :)
It's half an hour past closing and my last customer just left :) Dinner is on the table at home (half mile away)... getting cold LOL.

I'll check in again once I get some sustenance... and we'll talk about what to watch for in water quality... :)

JennM;370000 wrote: It's half an hour past closing and my last customer just left :) Dinner is on the table at home (half mile away)... getting cold LOL.

I'll check in again once I get some sustenance... and we'll talk about what to watch for in water quality... :)


Great, thanks!
Half an hour!? I'd be like, "GET OUT OF MY STORE UNLESS YOU WOULD LIKE TO PURCHASE SOMETHING." But, I guess you have to be quiet and say "yes m'am, no m'am" (or sir). You better hurry home! Have a good dinner Jenn, I'll be up for a while, and check back later!
Radha :)
The customers that came in after closing did buy something - this time. They don't always but it's bad mojo to chase somebody away who *might* buy something. I will say no to the people wandering around after eating at the restaurant who are just looking to kill time... I do have a life after all ...

OK.. once you get the fish settled etc., in the days to come it's important to keep an eye open for ammonia or nitrite. Keep dosing the Stability (just dose into the tank) at the recommended rate for the new tank... the first day (ie today) is a double dose, then a single dose each day for the first 7. If you find ammonia or nitrite, pop in a dose of Prime - that will bind those toxins up and render them inert. They will still show up in water tests, but the Prime will protect your fish.

JennM;370015 wrote: The customers that came in after closing did buy something - this time. They don't always but it's bad mojo to chase somebody away who *might* buy something. I will say no to the people wandering around after eating at the restaurant who are just looking to kill time... I do have a life after all ...

OK.. once you get the fish settled etc., in the days to come it's important to keep an eye open for ammonia or nitrite. Keep dosing the Stability (just dose into the tank) at the recommended rate for the new tank... the first day (ie today) is a double dose, then a single dose each day for the first 7. If you find ammonia or nitrite, pop in a dose of Prime - that will bind those toxins up and render them inert. They will still show up in water tests, but the Prime will protect your fish.


Great! What should my ammonia be? I just bought an ammonia test kit, I can test it right now, if you want! I only put a little sand in, not a ton, is that ok?
Thanks a bunch Jenn, and let me know if you want me to do some tests!

BTW~ I would never throw a customer out, but in my head I would be thinking that. It would be SO much fun to start a family LFS!
blu_devl_06;370018 wrote: Lots of good info, she's asking a lot of questions!! I vote this one get stickied to the newbie Q&A!!

Not a bad idea! I could even take some pics of the QT, and the steps I took to get it like this! And I can show how I do the treatment and the dreaded FW dip! Eeek! Jenn, I'm gonna need a TON of help tommorow!
Oh, Jenn, would you prefer I call you Mrs. Jenn? I mean, I don't want it to seem like... you know, me calling you by your first name... whatever your preference.
Well since you just set it up, there's not likely to be any ammonia - YET. The Stability will help a bit but I'll be surprised if you don't see *some* at some point in the next few days.

It may be helpful to keep a note of your parameters each day. All the usuals, SG, temp, pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate. Keep the tank topped off because evap in a 10 can make a huge difference in the SG from one day to the next. pH can drop as the acid load increases as the tank tries to cycle.

The only acceptable numbers for ammonia and nitrite is 0. Any is bad. Because of the way this one is being set up, under duress, you are quite likely to see ammonia, followed a day or two later by nitrite - that's why I suggested you get Prime - as I mentioned before that will take care of the immediate danger of that when the time comes - it will still show up in tests, but it won't be harmful to the fish because the Prime will bind up those molecules.

Nitrate under 20 is fine... the closer to 0 the better but 20 or less and you are OK. Nitrate won't appear until you've already seen ammonia and nitrite - that can take up to a week or so (give or take - it's really up to Mother Nature)...

If you find high amounts of ammonia or nitrite, you may need to do a partial water change and do a partial re-dose of the copper - just play it by ear - if you aren't sure, post your parameters and I'll help you along.

radha;370022 wrote: Oh, Jenn, would you prefer I call you Mrs. Jenn? I mean, I don't want it to seem like... you know, me calling you by your first name... whatever your preference.

Whatever you are comfortable with. Online, people don't seem to have an age as such (well some do... but I could get in trouble for saying that LOL!).. in person if it's more appropriate for you, "Miss Jenn" is what my kids' friends and younger customers call me - and even some of the old-fashioned folks who are older than me :D

Here, Jenn is fine... and in person too unless your family prefers it the other way - I know with my kids, they will call an adult by Mr. or Mrs/Miss... because that's what I've raised them to do... I still call my Mom's friends by Mrs. or whatnot - and I'm old enough to be your mom ;)

Smart young lady and polite too... LOVE THAT! Careful - I may want to adopt you :D

JennM;370029 wrote: Well since you just set it up, there's not likely to be any ammonia - YET. The Stability will help a bit but I'll be surprised if you don't see *some* at some point in the next few days.

It may be helpful to keep a note of your parameters each day. All the usuals, SG, temp, pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate. Keep the tank topped off because evap in a 10 can make a huge difference in the SG from one day to the next. pH can drop as the acid load increases as the tank tries to cycle.

The only acceptable numbers for ammonia and nitrite is 0. Any is bad. Because of the way this one is being set up, under duress, you are quite likely to see ammonia, followed a day or two later by nitrite - that's why I suggested you get Prime - as I mentioned before that will take care of the immediate danger of that when the time comes - it will still show up in tests, but it won't be harmful to the fish because the Prime will bind up those molecules.

Nitrate under 20 is fine... the closer to 0 the better but 20 or less and you are OK. Nitrate won't appear until you've already seen ammonia and nitrite - that can take up to a week or so (give or take - it's really up to Mother Nature)...

If you find high amounts of ammonia or nitrite, you may need to do a partial water change and do a partial re-dose of the copper - just play it by ear - if you aren't sure, post your parameters and I'll help you along.


Ok, that's cool! What's the normal amount of copper in the water? I love prime, it really helps unstress the fish, and it also helps with what you said. I really don't know how to dose it for a 10gal, because the bottle doesn't say.
I think I understand most of it, when and how do we do the water changes? Should we do them normally, and put new saltwater in, or should I do a water change the same day as the main tank, and out the water from that in, like I did today?
Thanks a bunch Jenn (or Mrs. Jenn if you prefer), I'm gonna go to a movie, so I'll be back in a bit to check the thread again!
Radha :)
Dosage for Cupramine, or Prime?

Cupramine, 1 ml per 10.5 gallons or if it has a dropper cap, 16 drops per 10.5 gallons (I'd probably do 13-14 drops in a 10g, esp if it's not completely full)... err on the side of caution. It's easier to put another drop or two if you under-dose, than have to fool with changing water if you over-dose.

Prime: If you got the small bottle with the dropper top, I think it's one drop per gallon.. I'll have to look at work tomorrow. I can only find larger dosing which is 5 ml (one teaspoon) per 50 gallons... that would be 1 ml per 10g. The beauty of Prime is that it can be safely dosed at up to 5 times the dose, safely. Particularly handy if you have a large or unexpected ammonia spike (it's reef safe too - should be in everybody's 'emergency kit').

For now - just let it run. In a day or two we'll see where parameters are at and decide from there. Not a bad idea to start some new saltwater so it's ready when you need it... if you're mixing it in a bucket, just loosely cover the bucket so dust and stuff stays out of it and have a powerhead circulating it. Just remember to check SG before using it in case there's been any evap, if it's been aging for a few days.

Enjoy the movie!

LOL Andy - that would stink.

They left me some... not much, but some :) I shouldn't eat that much anyway LOL!