What did you do to your tank today

Topping off right now (I usually do it every other day, should probably do it every day) and I'm going to take my BRS Reactor down and clean or replace the filter floss and rinse everything.
I said good morning to the fish, starred at them for a minute or two and said tsk tsk to ozzy the porcelain crab, bunch of trouble makers.
HoneyB627;483608 wrote: I said good morning to the fish, starred at them for a minute or two and said tsk tsk to ozzy the porcelain crab, bunch of trouble makers.
Ozzy better start earning his keep. He is the father of a ton of illegitmate babys. If only we could figure out how to raise a few.
Last night I did my parameter testing, saved superman from the evil crabs and toped of with ph and alk buffer. Fed tank last night too. I need to target feed corals tonight.
I added a Phosban reactor with NP Biopellets....and had a staring contest wit my cleaner shrimp and lost. Then realized I need to get to work.
Let's see.. I need to magfloat all 4 sides, do a 25 gallon water change, get the skimmer back online, and feed the fish.. Should be done in 15 minutes, if I ever get moving..
Out of town for two days... returned home and noticed a black, oval shaped, protruding spot on one of my clowns. (She acts fine). Took some pictures and will blow them up in Photoshop to see if I can get a better idea of what's going on. (Dang it... hold still!) Will probably post pictures later and ask for help.
Gave a good sized Kenya tree to Llewella for her seahorse tank. Got a few more growing so it's a good thing to thin the herd. Dosed and topped off. Fed them. Had some friends over with kids who always get a kick out of my fish.

Peppermints are good at eating aiptasia. I've been nuking mine with caustic soda in a long glass pipette. Just a little at a time, mind you, a couple mls. You can screw up your tank quick with that stuff. It's fun to watch them disintegrate.
Changed a bulb, cleaned the glass. Then started on Sandie's tank trying to fix the cheap little pump on her baby skimmer. Can't seem to make it work right, and then spent the next hour reconfiguring it only to discover that a MaxiJet, even with the venturi adapter thingy, doesn't make bubbles. For some reason it just pushes water out the tube like a little tiny water fountain.
So, tomorrow I get to try to find a pump like hers before we go out of town this weekend. :(
Put the venturi on the suction side for MJs...

I looked at my tank and found my pearlberry dead - at this rate I won't have any sps left by the end of next week.
LilRobb;483992 wrote: Put the venturi on the suction side for MJs...

I looked at my tank and found my pearlberry dead - at this rate I won't have any sps left by the end of next week.

Thanks, I'll give that a try. The instructions showed it on the output side, but why am I not surprised that instructions with reef equipment stink? Every single item I own has instructions that were either written by a fourth grader or a non-English speaker who doesn't know a good translator.

About the corals- wow... now I know why you haven't picked up the Blue Iris from Tim even though you've paid for it...
LilRobb;483992 wrote: I looked at my tank and found my pearlberry dead - at this rate I won't have any sps left by the end of next week.

Dude I'm really sorry to hear this. I hope you fix the problem fast. I still have some room if you want me to hold anything.
After 15 years in this hobby, FINALLY added metal halides over my reef today! Cannot wait for them to be on a full cycle and to see how the corals will react...it's been long overdue.
Mockery;483998 wrote: Dude I'm really sorry to hear this. I hope you fix the problem fast. I still have some room if you want me to hold anything.

Sssshhhh.... if you do that I won't be able to keep breaking in every night to swap my dead frags for his live ones. :)
Just Plumbed In A Pro Series Sump... Took All Day To Get It Tuned In, Hoping For The Best...

Anyone Know How To Make A HOB Overflow Quieter???
Scrilla;484011 wrote: Anyone Know How To Make A HOB Overflow Quieter???

If the noise is coming from the drain to your sump, and you have the room, you can use an elbow. Otherwise, a piece of bent rigid tubing might work. What you want to try to stop is the "vortex" caused by the water funneling down the hole and making the "slurping" noise, if that is the problem.
Scrilla;484011 wrote: Just Plumbed In A Pro Series Sump... Took All Day To Get It Tuned In, Hoping For The Best...

Anyone Know How To Make A HOB Overflow Quieter???
I added bioballs in mine and cut 2 pieces of foam to fit over the top of them. Silence!
Scrilla;484011 wrote: Just Plumbed In A Pro Series Sump... Took All Day To Get It Tuned In, Hoping For The Best...

Anyone Know How To Make A HOB Overflow Quieter???

With a stand pipe. Since you can't use a durso (unless it's a really big overflow box for some reason), look up the Hofer Gurgle Buster. I ran one when I had a HOB overflow and the thing was silent.
Scapped the glass, fed the fish two different times (one time nori, one time frozen), changed out the kalk/ato resevoir.